True Blood –
Love is to Die
I guess the penultimate episode was dedicated to reminding you that this show is a soap opera. The plot progressed but the situations were just blah. It’s a shame too cause last week was really fantastic. It absolutely felt like the penultimate but without a steady buildup. Almost like they got a cheesy finish
Won’t lie, Sam is my least favorite character and always has been…I’m glad he’s gone. Hopefully that was it and he won’t be back next week.
Not to say it was ALL bad, Jessica and Hoyt reuniting was sweet, I am glad it happened. Oh, and Pam’s scene with Sarah was perfect…just…just perfect. If Pam had died it woulda been a waste.
In summation, Love is to Die, has told us.
“Bridget screwed someone good and proper to get so much screen time for only being JUST introduced. Eric and Bill are caught in a bad bromance. Jason had a major breakthrough in Sexaholics Anonymous. Remember how wonderful Pam actually is. Sam is gone…bout seven seasons too late. Well if anything, Hoyt and Jess do deserve some semblance of a happy ending. That Eric & Ginger scene tho. Seriously…who let George Lucas write this episode?”
ONE MORE EPISODE! One last bite?! Who survives? I’m gonna call it now…Sarah Newlin gets turned it seem like it would be her own version of living hell. What about you? Final predictions? Hopefully…a smooth landing.
Keep geek.