Chiffon Dior: My guest today is Seattle’s own up and coming feline songstress, Kitty Kitty Bang Bang. Hello there my dear. Hopefully I can just call you Kitty?
Kitty Kitty Bang Bang: Ms. Bang Bang if you’re nasty!
CD: I’ll make a note of that. So how are you doing this evening honey?
KKBB: I am working! Always on the grind. The dream comes free but the struggle is sold separate! laughs
CD: So you have quite the set of pipes on you! When did you first realize that you could sing like that?
TKKBB: Thank you! I’ve been performing my whole life. I started dancing at the age of three. Singing & acting just naturally went hand in hand with being on stage. The first time I specifically declared I wanted to be a singer is when my father overheard me singing 4 Non Blondes in the bath tub. He came in with a with his eyes wide and a look surprise on his face and said “You can sing! You should be a singer!’ I was thrilled at the idea. I hopped outta the bath and ran to the phone to tell my mother I was going to be a singer!
CD: And you probably tracked water ALL over the good rugs! Tsk tsk tsk young lady! So you were totally singing “What’s Up“, weren’t you? What kind of kid is singing early 90’s alt rock as opposed to songs from Sesame Street at age three? That was probably a sign, huh?
KKBB: I’m sure there were bubbles trailing behind me. Bubble baths are still one of my favorite things! By then I was 6. I was always attracted to strong female vocalists. Celine Dion, Indigo Girls, Melissa Etheridge. My biggest inspiration was Michael Jackson. I watched a video of a live concert of his and was so enthralled by his presence. I also recall watching naughty Madonna and Prince videos (because if you were watching any Madonna or Prince video at that time, naturally they were pretty risqué at the time) then I’d change the channel as soon as anyone walked in!
CD: Wow, you were already pretty sneaky at a young age! So once that fateful bubble bath evening passed and you knew you wanted to be a singer, what did you actually do to make that a reality? I mean at age six, I think I could feed myself with spilling…much. What was it like to have that clear a vision of your life at such an early age?
KKBB: I’ve always known in my fundamental core that I was meant for this. It provided ease in the fact that I never needed to discover my purpose but difficult since I never had patience for all the bullshit that did not serve that purpose. I attended some amazing art schools from middle school to college that really honed my abilities. I took private lessons, participated in community theater programs and I was a camp counselor to younger theater children. I attended Florida School of the Arts on a full ride talent scholarship for musical theater. But it was not until moving to Seattle, WA that I was able to put all those years of training to use. It’s here that my career really began to flourish.
CD: Ah yes, Seattle. That city just has the arts seeping out of its pores! I have never seen a city where all the creative and talented people seem so intertwined, like how the drag and burlesque scenes almost seem to be in the same there. How did you wind up in the Emerald City from Florida, basically as far away in the Continental US as you can get?
KKBB: My beautiful best friend from high school offered me the opportunity to move here with her after she was offered an internship at a local radio station. It was a no brainier. Seattle was art driven city and presented some amazing culture. I wanted to soak up all it’s resources before moving to a larger pond so to speak. Plus I was just sure there’d be pretty, long haired, tattooed, metal boys on every corner! A girl can dream!
CD: Don’t they issue you one of those once you arrive at SeaTac airport?
KKBB: More like a cup of coffee and anti-depressants.
CD: The first cup is free. That’s how they hook you! So did you have a plan for once you got to Seattle or did you just wing it?
KKBB: Oh girl, I winged my eyeliner and I winged the shit out of it. Who needs a plan when moving all the way across the country? I knew I would simply audition for everything I could. Get familiar with the theaters, venues and art community. With in the first week of arriving, I landed a position as a dancer in the number one celebrity impersonation show in the North West called Julia’s on Broadway. It’s housed amazing talents including hometown RuPaul’s Drag Race winner and my dear friend Jinkx Monsoon, and Miss Congeniality herself, BenDeLaCreme. It’s here my life became a constant glitter kiki with some of the fiercest drag queens in the game. They taught me my ways! I took a position as a dancer to stay fresh out of college but soon became unsettled. I wanted and needed to sing. This is where Kitty Kitty Bang Bang was cultivated. In order to be a principal in a drag impersonation show, I had to evoke the illusion of drag. Bioqueens as they call it, a biological drag queen. I decided to embody chanteuse sex-bomb Jessica Rabbit. Don’t listen to a word she says, she’s most certainly bad!
CD: How did the audience take a woman impersonating a man impersonating a woman impersonating a beloved, sexy Disney character?
KKBB: There was the typical confusion which meant I was achieving the illusion. People have always had amazing reactions when I’m Jessica. She was many children’s first look at sexy. So many people had such a huge crush on her and there was the real life version leaving red lipstick smeared on their cheek! You know, as a stage trained actor I didn’t look at it any different than the makeup and costuming that comes along with any character or role. Looking back it makes sense I ended up with all the queens. If you knew the imagination on my diva six year old self with my dress-up box, plastic heels and pretty pretty princess accessories, you would know it makes perfect sense!
CD: Let me guess, the accessories haven’t changed that much, right?
KKBB: Not the tiara!
CD: Well, to be fair, a sensible tiara can pull together just about any outfit!
KKBB: ANY outfit!
CD: Amen! So a gal cannot subsist on drag performance alone, where has you career as a singer advanced beyond Jessica Rabbit….as much as anything can be better than Jessica Rabbit, of course?
KKBB: When I left Julia’s it gave me the freedom to really cultivate my persona, hone my skills and get people familiar with my name. For two years I had the pleasure of judging a local singing competition called Pride Idol. I began winning local talent competitions myself. After a while my networking paid off and I began receiving awesome offers. I got to perform on the main stage at Seattle Pride, I opened up for Seattle’s Gay Pride parade, began hosting at nightclubs and started collaborating with local talent. I’d sing at elite fundraisers and birthday parties. The past four years, the opportunities have greatly expanded the more I have as an artist and persona.
CD: Which is a nice segue to talk about why we’re here in the first place. Do you want to tell all the readers that you need cash or should I?
KKBB: I don’t like to look at it as needing cash as much as seeking support. I can certainly make it rain on my bills but as a freelance artist what I’m learning from the experience of participating in a ‘go-fund-me’ is how necessary community is. I’m terrible at asking for help. I’ve reached where I have in my career on my own and without the aid of a manager or agent. (Cue Destiny’s Child’s Independent Women.) But an artist such as myself does not always have the resources or funds to support their creations. I am FINALLY releasing my very own ORIGINAL music, which means every little girl watching Michael and Madonna video’s dream, A MUSIC VIDEO! I’ve suggested only a $1-$5 donation. With the help of the community, the art community specifically, it would help me realize a life long dream and progress me to the next phase of my career!

To contribute to Kitty’s music video, click here!
CD: Helping out up and coming talented artists is something we believe here at so I encourage everyone out there to chip in a buck or three to help this talented young lady take another step on her path to stardom. If all of our readers donated just one dollar each, Kitty would be seven dollars closer to her goal!So I’m just going to be all power of positive thinking here and just assume this video will happen. After you make the video and come back here to do a follow up unveiling with us, what is next for you? What goals do you have out there that you hope to accomplish still?
KKBB: Ahh, that positive thinking is some powerful stuff! Ya know, I’ve been a larger than life socialite performing other people’s music at clubs and big events, so releasing this original music in itself is such a huge leap for me. I really look forward to singing acoustics sets. I love the simplicity of it. I will never eliminate all my glitter but I think it will mean something very personal to me to sit in an intimate setting and perform my words for people. It’ll be just about the music. I have yet to be comfortable singing my own songs for listeners. I can perform for thousands on a drop of a hat but singing your own heart makes me bashful. I know it will feel incredibly vulnerable. But this original music makes me a bonafide singer and realizes a life long dream. I have so much more to accomplish. World domination.
CD: Just don’t forget about us when you’re launching your first world tour! For now though, where can our readers in the Pacific Northwest see you perform these days?
KKBB: I host the sexiest Thursday night party, Revolution Thursday, at The Baltic Room along side co-host DonnaTella Howe! I have a plethora of performances always brewing so it’s best to stay tuned for big things on social media. I will always be sure to you informed!
Follow Kitty on Facebook here, Twitter here, Soundcloud here and Instagram here!
CD:Thank you so much for your time my dear! I can’t wait to see the video when it comes out! So before we call a night, do you have any final words of wisdom for us?
KKBB: This career has taught me to be who I am, big, loud, flawed, sexy, and fierce, without apologies. I encourage everyone to be bold, fearless and free. Love yourself and love each other.
You are spectacular, Kitty. I am proud to know you.