Hi Friends,
I have a complicated relationship with David Bowie.
He was never someone I listened to growing up and the only songs I knew were a few of his biggest hits (and not even that many). As a teenager, I began writing, recording and performing original music. The one artist everyone compared me to was Bowie. Rather than accept the comments from the place they were coming from (positive), all I heard was “YOU ARE COPYING HIM! YOU ARE NOT ORIGINAL!” I decided to avoid his music at all costs. What can I say: I was young, hot-headed and had a morbidly obese ego (in many ways, I still do).
Thankfully, I got over myself as the year 2000 rolled around. His album “Hours…” came out while I was working at a record store so I decided to give him a chance. And OMFG am I glad I did! He was a GENIUS, I just loved the album – and this was so far into his career…how good could his older stuff be?! So I dove in and I’ve never looked back.
The following are my top 5 favorite Bowie songs ever. I chose them based on the criteria I judge every song by: melody, harmonic structure and the percussive nature of the lyrics. Rarely do I care about lyrics themselves…what I live for is how the words “sound”. It was hard choosing just 5 songs…I could probably pick 5 songs from every album! Talk about “Sophie’s Choice”.
5. All The Madmen – The Man Who Sold The World
4. Joe the Lion – “Heroes”
3. Teenage Wildlife – Scary Monsters & Super Creeps
2. TVC15 – Station To Station
1. Big Brother – Diamond Dogs
So there you go, my Top 5 Favorite Bowie Songs! What are YOURS? Leave a comment below and holler at your homegurl.
Your Homegurl for Life,
Sister Indica
Panic in Detroit
John, I’m Only Dancing
Hallo Spaceboy
Drive In Saturday or Time
All of Ziggy Stardust