Ok, well this week was musical, shady, and just too sweet to be sour!
A TV remake of Grease is coming with Vanessa Hudgens as Rizzo – If you didn’t know Hollywood was run by gays, walk into any network office and bust out into Mame…see what happens. Spoiler alert ALL the new windows and doors will be open!

Macho Man Randy Savage to be Inducted into WWE Hall of Fame – And we all said….OHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!

Barack Obama Shuts Down Congressional Republicans – To add insult to injury, I’ll use this Kanye West gif as the Republicans emotions.

NBC’s Next Live Musical to Be The Wiz- Oh….well how can this go wrong…let me count the ways.
Drag Race season 7 pushed back from initial January premiere date – When is the premiere you ask? Kanye…do you know?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the winner issssssssss…President Obama for his master level shade. Well done Mr. President.
Disagree? Well ya did last week and the Lily White Oscars won. So let me know if you’re getting your rebel on again.
See everyone next week!
Keep geek.