Well the NFL decided to show up and raise it’s head again like it was the groundhog predicting more winter (Sorry Chicago and Northeast) hopefully this tear down of the week warms you up.

Katy Perry Performed the Halftime Show at the Superbowl – …her performance was the punchline of this joke.
Missy Elliot Also Performed at the Halftime Show – Her not being the headliner should really be the final straw with the NFL mess-ups.
Groundhog Predicts More Winter – What a fuckin dick.
Man Alters Face to Look Like Captain America Villain, Red Skull – What a nutjob loser *drinks out of mug shaped like Captain America’s head*
Brian Williams Admits Telling False Story About Iraq – Well if the government is gonna lie to get us there, it’s nice to see the news stories staying consistent.
This ^ has been the most talked about person/thing all week – Don’t believe me? Go check your newsfeed.
And the Champion of the Week isssssssssss…Missy Elliot because…well…if you have to ask…I have to wonder what the hell is wrong with you?
Last week Tony Stark won because MIND…BLOWN…but who do you think won this week? Let me know.
Alright NFL, thanks for helping out…again….maybe you can get your shit together for next season.
Keep Geek.