Violet and Pearl head backstage. It’s nice to see them both loosen it up a little, having a laugh and feeling free to express their true selves. And Pearl seems to be over her withdrawals/tiredness, way to go!
It’s fun to watch Pearl and Violet throwing shade and just having a kiki. The competition is at a stage where you don’t want to be enemies with the strongest contestants and these two are definitely going to stick around for a while.
The remaining five enter the backstage. Ginger is super excited to have won a challenge and for once, doesn’t start a conversation with trying to sound bitter… Fame is feeling under the weather and confident she’s going to be in the bottom two.
But that turns out to be nothing in comparison with Max’s meltdown. You can see her falling apart in that interview and when Pearl tries to chat her up. Jaidynn on the other hand is clearly being set up for a success story in the next episodes. From what we’ve seen so far, she has some Miss Congeniality potential, with her sweet insecurities and big girl problems.
Katya is definitely feeling her oats outside, giving us some Britney realness. To be honest I’m surprised Michelle hasn’t yet assigned her to do a sexy non-comedy look!
Max is restless and Jaidynn gets a pep talk from Kennedy… And we barely see Fame except for a brief moment where she rehearses her lip-sync in the mirror. Oh well, this Untucked wasn’t really about her.
Max is the one to sashay away this week. Her goodbye interview is genuinely sweet and the fierce boy outfit in his last scene gave me life! Goodbye Max… Or perhaps should we say, ‘see you soon’?
Until next week, I’m Katya Kukureko and you’ve now been Retucked!