Well Week….what did you bring for show and tell?
Comic Con 2015 Happens in San Diego – Fun Fact: Comic Con happens in San Diego the week before Pride…anyone in the Batman vs Superman trailer or CW Panel stickin around for the whole week…if so…message me.
Republican Candidates Attack Fox News for their Debate Rules – #TeamFoxNews? #TeamGOPCandidates? Nahhh…..they are all asshole the latter just started saying what smart people have for years.

TLC Cancels 19 Kids and Counting – Ok TLC, maybe try to not have a show about white trash again or at least don’t wait so long to cancel it after the molestation charges show up at your door.

Ronda Rousey Owned Floyd Mayweather Verbally After Beating him at the ESPYS – Now when can we see her beat him verbally?

Caitlyn Jenner Said All of This ^ – No comment….just watch it.
And the Champion of the Week issssssssssssssssssss…Caitlyn Jenner for understanding the responsibility of utilizing a platform for all the right reasons. What an icon already.
Disagree….oh man….let me know WHY if you do. I’m legit curious.
Keep geek.