Filed Under: HEAR THIS
Hi Friends,
I’m just gonna say this upfront: Lana Del Rey can do no wrong in my book. None. Zero. Well, when it comes to her studio work that is (and honestly, it’s all I care about…I mean, I love seeing concerts but I prefer to listen to studio-quality recordings on the regular). As you know, it took me a bit to get on her wavelength but when I finally did, I was hooked. Her debut album “Born To Die”: incredible. The follow-up – “Paradise”: insane. Her third – “Ultraviolence”: a milestone and one of the best albums I’ve ever heard.
And now we wait for her newest release “Honeymoon”, just one year after “Ultraviolence” was dropped. I have mixed emotions about this: part of me is super excited that we’re getting a new album (More LDR songs! Yay!) and part of me is disappointed because I feel like her label hated “Ultraviolence” and is pushing her to put something out that is more marketable.
However, after hearing her new song “Honeymoon” (and the few songs she’s done for movies recently) I know she has enough talent to put out something iconic – even this soon after “Ultraviolence”. She has said in various interviews that the album ”Honeymoon” will sound more like “Born To Die”/”Paradise” – strings and beats – whereas “Ultraviolence” was more a rock album with less orchestration.
With the song “Honeymoon”, we quickly see she wasn’t lying! Back are those swelling cinematic orchestrations, Los Angeles imagery, layered vocals and that signature nocturnal vibe we’ve grown to expect. And that is exactly what I want.
Check out the new song and let me know what you think. Will you be picking up the new album?
Your Homegurl for Life™,
Sister Indica
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