Oh my week, what the hell happened to you?
Xena Warrior Princess to Get Rebooted at NBC – How does one type out the Xena battle cry?

A Dentist Paid to Have People Lure a Lion out of a Conservation to Hunt, Kill, Skin, and Behead a Lion…Claims what he Did was Legal – Doesn’t make you less of a monster Walter Palmer DDS. Watch what Jimmy Kimmel says and visit this site.
LA to Begin Bid for Olympics in 2024 – New sport for Most Selfies in an Hour, Rodeo Drive Shopping Bag Carry, and the West Hollywood Sunday Funday to be featured in proposal.
Olsen Twins in Negotiations for Netflix’s Fuller House – Remember that time Michelle got amnesia….well now she’s forgetting things for…um…other reasons.
Donald Trump Still GOP Nomination Front Runner – Ok…eventually, this headline will get scary.
Tituss Burgess, Jane Krakowski, and Tina Fey Did This – Pretty sure the name of the song also described that they did this.
And the Champion of the Week ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS….Jimmy Kimmel, while this lion story might seem silly compared to everything out there, it was still a really messed up thing to do and I’m glad Jimmy Kimmel used his platform to talk about it.
Disagree…well let me know…cause this week gave us a lot.
Keep geek.