It’s been about year since I last did an interview with Krysta Youngs (See that interview here!). The last time we spoke, the young singer/songwriter released a new song and music video called “Gold Grill BBQ” featuring Laganja Estranja and Melanie Fontana. When I heard that Krysta was coming out with a new song, music video, EP, I knew I needed to sit down with Krysta once again and figure out the creative process behind this wonderful mind!
Spencer: Krysta Youngs, it had been a while since we last spoke! How are you
Krysta: HEY! It sure has!
S: Chiffon told me about Xanax (A Love Song) and we figured now was a good time to talk a little
K: YES, but first let me take a Xanax, *laughs* just kidding.
S: *laughs* I would have brought some but apparently the I need to start monitoring the Not Safe 4 Werk medicine cabinet. Also kidding. But I did get a full dose of Xanax earlier when I got to sit down and listen to your new song! It’s great.
K: *laughs* Thank you!
S: What I love about it is that when I sat down, I was expecting to see or hear you and your crew in a backyard grilling and talking about gold and grills. But I was rather surprised!
K: *laughs* This is my serious side, it’s me as an artist!
S: I can tell. I was hit with a ballad that was actually real beautiful like I was listening to Sia or something.
K: Ummmmm. you just made my day. No, made my LIFE. Thank you.
S: *laughs* you are welcome! It’s true! Just like a Sia song, it was really beautiful and I can tell you put your heart into it and i love that. Now part of me has a feeling we aren’t just talking about drugs here, what is Xanax about?
K: Xanax is a love song to yourself. It’s message is that no matter what you’re dealing with…addiction, low self esteem, a handicap, a bad relationship…whatever is not working in your life, it will be okay. Inside everyone there is strength we just need to know where to look.
S: I love it! Your message is beautiful!
K: Thank you.
S: Every artist kind of has their own creative process when creating something, what was it like for you and Xanax (A Love Song)? If that’s not too personal?
K: When I wrote Xanax, I had been living in LA for about a year. I was only writing for other artists and I had a moment when I just went crazy. I was so tired of trying to fit inside a box that I called up one of my favorite songwriters Julia Sinclair and told her to fly to LA from Nashville and write my EP with me. She came with her wife Natalie and we literally locked ourselves inside my guest house for a week and said fuck it lets write whatever we want. And that’s exactly what we did. Everything came natural because it was honest. Xanax is 100% real…its the story of my life.
S: That’s amazing! I love when artists can just come together and create something that is truly meaningful. There are a lot of artists who just write and produce meaningless songs so it’s refreshing to just hear something real
K: My songs are real. But I can’t promise my face will be when I turn 70 *winks*.
S: *laughs* You, me, and the rest of Not Safe 4 Werk to be honest.
K: YESSSSS!!!!! *laughs*.
S: *laughs* so what was it like going from one genre to another. For example last time we spoke you were rapping in a backyard with Laganja Estranja and Melanie Fontana, now you are doing Xanax! Not literally… Or literally I don’t know…
K: Maybe a little of both? The difference is that this is really me as an artist… 100% true and gimmicks. What you see is what you get!
S: And that’s something that I love about you Krysta. Your fans and I can tell that you are passionate about what you do and it shows!
K: I appreciate that a lot. When you put everything you have into something and it connects with other people there’s no better feeling than that.
S: Nothing hits me harder than Xanax my dear… *laughs*. But really I totally agree with what you are saying. So tell me about this Tuesday? I hear you have a video coming out as well as a future EP?
K: Yes, Tuesday, August 18th The Official Music Video for Xanax (A Love Song) will be released! I’m so excited. It wouldn’t have been possible without director David N Donihue’s vision. I can’t wait to share it with the world. The EP is coming out in late September.

S: Great I am so excited to see it! Career defining I’m sure. What should we expect from your upcoming EP?
K: The EP is called “Prescriptions” because each song is a prescription for how you’re feeling. Also, because we all see the world through different “lenses” …get it? lenses… prescriptions *laughs*
S: *laughs* Starting to feel a theme here… Drugs and glasses *laughs*. But once again, the thought process behind it is very smart and I love it.
K: When I was 8 I had my first panic attack. When I was 16 I had my first Xanax. Paired with therapy it literally saved my life. I’ve never abused the drug but I certainly have taken it to alleviate the panic
S: Of course! It’s around for a reason for sure and I’m glad to see that it is an experience that has inspired your creations.What do you hope the audience will take from Prescriptions?
K: I hope it inspires them. I hope it makes them feel less alone.
S: I’m very sure that your new EP will do just that. Krysta I am so happy for you and I am excited to see where the next few months take you.
K: Thank you! Me too
S: It was a pleasure speaking to you, until next time!
K: Thank you Spencer! It’s always fun!
Don’t forget to follow Krysta on all of your social media platforms!
Find her on Facebook, follow her on Twitter, and check out her Instagram!
Watch Krysta’s new video to “Xanax (A Love Song)” and purchase the single on iTunes!