Miss NotSafe4Werk.com 2015 Talent (No Mixes) Judges’ Critiques:
Lady Portia
“This was delightful! Your experience shines through in your performance for sure, and I loved the costume reveal. Well done indeed!” – Poppy Fields
“Fantastic usage of costumes and lip sync was on point. Attitude and commitment was fierce.” – Andréa
Sabrina Laurence
“With a song this difficult, you really have to nail it…but you didn’t. It’s a true masterclass in lip-syncing that probably only Lypsinka herself could pull off without a hitch. I give you huge props for the song choice though – it shows you’ve got great taste and are wise beyond your years.” – Sister Indica
” Her outfit was phenomenal. Her choreography and delivery was great. I was not a fan of using a scat song for a lip sync, but she was fully committed to it and that was her saving grace.” – Andréa
“Probably the most slickly produced video, but not much in the way of actual song or choreography. Although the entertainment value is INSANE, but I am not sure if that is enough to make up for the lack of other things?” – Amber Gertner
“I think this is going to be a very challenging video to judge because despite not being a terribly difficult number to perform, the entertainment factor and the ability to move the viewer’s emotions were off the charts. This video was a gorgeous piece of artwork, no question. You are clearly always thinking outside the box with your videos. What I’m curious to see is if you can work INSIDE the box as well.” – Chiffon Dior
Cher LaWealth
“The quality of the lip sync was very good, however due to the quality of the video, I felt like I was missing out on some syllables. Very emotional performance, especially after the reason was given for choosing the song. Relevant costume to the style of song and she looked like she was having fun!” – Emily Meow
” I loved the opening. I believed in your message and how you connected with the song. However, it was a little dark on the lighting considering the message of the song. Also, the quality of the video was not the best.” – Sassy Stephie
Lady SinAGaga
“I loved your choice of song, being a musical theatre person myself, and I think you did a wonderful rendition of the number. Your lip synch was on point, and your ensemble was perfectly appropriate. I really enjoyed your performance as well; the only bit of constructive criticism that I might offer is to watch what I call “the constant stage shuffle.” Remember that stillness can be very effective when performing. It conveys strength and assurance.” – Poppy Fields
” Being a professional wrestler, I appreciate a performance with a story. I really enjoyed it!” -Sassy Stephie
Boxxa Vine
“So much heart. The outfit worked for the song but I would have liked more movement within the space. It could have worked better. Chenoweth is so high energy and can make a lot out of the space she’s given, this was a tad flat but the heart of it all still shined through.” – Sidney Stokes
“I love the fact that you chose this particular number as your talent. It not only shows off a great comedic range, but the lip-synch isn’t easy and you handled it nicely. The overall look is on-point – it just brings a smile to one’s face. One bit of advice, and this is a tiny thing, but if you could find a place to do things like this with a solid background – even if it is a piece of material nicely hung (and we all love things nicely hung) – it will add to a more polished presentation. No points off for that, of course, because we’re judging your performance, but it will help improve the overall aesthetic. Wonderful job!” – Poppy Fields
Anita Procedure
“Wow. Bowled over. Nailed everything start to finish. The sensualness of the song came through in the performance and you even made great use of your stage. It all felt right and extremely well executed.” – Sidney Stokes
” I loved the whole performance! The stage, dance, the editing, and the end was so cute! From top to bottom it was great.” – Sassy Stephie
Lacy Lane
“The outfit is absolutely amazing, I love it. You’re emoting is fantastic, as someone who uses a lot of emoting, it always makes me happy to see someone else make their face a part of the performance. Your talent just made me smile non-stop, thank you.” – Crunk Panda
“”Her outfit was very creative and went with her number. It was very cute and made me very happy overall!” – Amber Gertner
Auntie Christ
“Flawless lipsync, it takes true talent to rap that clearly to Nicki Minaj! The choreography was great, the splits were incredible. Super entertaining, and the back story of the “satanic” behaviour in the basement was a nice touch.” – Emily Meow
“I wish the lighting was better, but the choreography and usage of the scenery worked well with the theme. Not a huge fan of the song, but she committed to it full force.” – Andréa
Luna Nova
“My dear Luna! It was a good video. As you may know I am a huge Lana Del Rey fan, so I was excited to watch your version of “Gods and Monsters”. I feel that visually the video was on point. The costume and visuals really conveyed the feeling of a Lana song. But as you and I both know, there isn’t much choreography happening at a Lana concert… so I was just hoping to see you really embody the deep emotions of the song in your lip sync and movements rather than kind of staying in the same spot. If we were asking for a celebrity impersonation I would say you nailed it, but as a talent portion I would of liked to see you more connected to the song on a emotional level. Feel the fantasy a little more.” – Spencer Williams
“Luna had a very ethereal look in this video. There was a lot of strong emotion that drew you in.” – Amber Gertner
Ari Ola
“She looked like Taylor Swift in her pictures, but then she comes out singing Cannibal by Kesha. I love the performance if I were in the crowd, but on video when judging a talent for a pageant it’s rough. The strobe lighting and the pole in the middle were distracting, but the choreography and tricks were awesome. I liked it.” -Sassy Stephie
“The performance was great, the energy was perfect and the completely inappropriately costume worked in your favor but the poor sound quality due to the loud club and the obstructions that Stephie mentioned definitely hurt my ability to judge your lip sync, It the trade off of being in a packed club like that, the raw energy versus technical issues.” – Chiffon Dior