Hi Friends,
That’s all the intro I have for you. Episode 3 of EastSiders was packed with SO much action – and sex…(lots and lots and lots and lots of sex) that we just need to skip the foreplay and get right into it!
It starts innocently enough…Jeremy is playing with Bri’s two kids inside a fort in the living room when Bri announces that Vera (whom we’ve yet to meet) has the afternoon off and is coming home, so the place needs to get picked up in a hurry. When the door opens and Vera (played by Vera Miao) walks in, my jaw hit the floor. Vera is the hot Asian lady Ian (played by John Halbach) banged in the parking lot of Thom’s bar!
Talk about a mic drop.
Before you know it, Jeremy’s out the door and so is Vera, who needs to take a run, leaving Bri (played by Brea Grant) alone to clean up the mess. If that ain’t foreshadowing, I don’t know what is.
We now catch up with Cal (played by Kit Williamson), who finds his hot boss Paul (you know, the dude he boned last season) celebrating another sale at the art gallery. Paul tries to put the moves on Cal but Cal rebuffs his advances. What’s this? Self control?! I didn’t know Cal had it in him. Paul suggests Cal spend time in the NYC office as well as do his own solo show. Does Paul really believe in Cal’s work or is he just working him, wanting to get another piece? Something tells me we’ll find out in the second half of the season.
Jeremy meets up with the doctor he was banging in the first episode, but The Doc wants more than a fuck buddy. Is that something Jeremy is ready for? We’ll see…but enough about him, we’ve got more pressing matters to attend to.
We then find out where Vera was running off to…Ian’s apartment! They have some quick sex and she proceeds to show her claws – and officially becomes my favorite character ever on this show. She admits to being married – to a woman – (well engaged, but you know, kids) but makes it clear to Ian that she will call him, he is never to call her and when she wants to fuck him, he’d better say WHERE and WHEN. Oh, I love an Alpha Female and Vera is it to the tenth power.
We then get a fun scene of Cal and Thom (played by Van Hansis) day drinking at Faultline where my homeboys Johnny McGovern (host of the show “Hey Qween!” and Walter Del Mar (producer of “Hey Qween!”) make a cameo! Love it! The boys start talking about doing another threesome and as luck would have it, around the corner comes Jared, Thom’s hot co-worker. They head back to Thom’s and have some amazing sex, where we find out Jared is also studying to become a Sex Therapist.
He gives them great advice and we are treated to a hot – and hilarious – montage of many conquests. My favorite of the failed attempts was the dude who was a cat-obsessed conspiracy theorist convinced that one of the Baldwin brothers was trying to control his mind! Through Jared’s help, they realize they need to be more selective and have more of a connection with the guys they bring home and not just have sex out of obligation. Very good advice, indeed!
I cannot wait to see how the second half of this season shakes out. We leave the boys on Cloud 9, happier and more connected than ever, but I think all know that the shit is going to hit the fan in a HUGE way.
And I cannot wait.
Have you gotten the season yet? Episodes 4 – 6 come out October 1st! Head over to Vimeo and throw them your coins! I really want a season 3, so just do it.
Your Homegurl for Life™,
Sister Indica
Personally I hate that Vera is having sex with a man! I mean, I get that she’s bisexual, but I’m so sick of the stereotype that women will leave other women for men, which is just complete bullshit. It’s even worse when the character is a “lesbian” which is also completely bullshit and is also a disgrace to REAL gay women. Just once I would LOVE to see a real portrayal of a gay women ONLY being attracted to women and ONLY fucking women.