What The Walking Dead is back for episode 2! Yes, I am a little late. I was in a NyQuil induced coma. But… the magical powers of Carol Peletier brought me back from the dead! I am so glad I am alive because this season is so beautiful. Yeah a lot of people died… but Carol! Spoiler Alert: I am going to talk about Carol almost the whole time.
So first I would just like to say, rest in peace to that poor tortoise. Why did he have to die like that? That savage girl eating him like the shell was part of a taco salad! That was the hardest part to watch for sure.
So the Wolves came just as predicted. The first initial kill made me jump. I was not expecting the attack so soon. When I first saw the previews for this episode I thought for sure that big horde of walkers were the ones causing all of this mayhem. But anyway, the man driving the truck full of walkers was killed and crashed into the gates of Alexandria. The horn then started going off which is what was attracting all of the walkers from the first episode.
Alexandria was in chaos. But when the world needs a hero, the Carol Signal goes off. Then there she was…. She was hooded, camouflaged with only a handgun, and ran through the city killing as many enemies as possible without even being scratched. If you would have told me during season one that Carol would make Morgan look like weak, I would have thought you were crazy. But she was killing it! Literally!
None of our main characters passed away but there was a lot of brutal deaths. I could not believe my eyes. It was honestly one of the most insane episodes I have seen but we could have done without the Eugene/ Doctor scenes… really just because those two characters are just so annoying to me. But we do always need a few moments to breathe in between Carol making messes of our enemies.
I mean, what else is there to say about this episode. Yeah, our characters are screwed and they are not going to be able to stay in Alexandria anymore… but what else is new? The story of Walking Dead may be repetitive, but it never gets old as long as Carol is still around. Carol, you go girl!
Don’t be afraid of the dark friends, Carol will keep you safe.