Question: Condragulations on making the top five of So You Think You Can Drag! For my money, its the premiere drag competition in the city. Have you had a moment to reflect on what you have accomplished already yet?
Lady SinAGaga: First of all thank you so much, I’m so happy and proud to have gotten this far. The Finale of So You Think You Can Drag has been a goal of mine since (before) I started drag, so it’s all been a little surreal. But after the shock passed, I’ve just been a crazed nervous wreck, so as you know just my normal self! *laughs*
Question: What do you think was your personal highlight and lowlight of the season so far?
LS: My highlight would have to be the fourth week for Unlock Your Inner Child. Not only did I win, (insert tongue pop) but I performed a piece that was personal and I never would have thought that I could successful take my drag to that space where it actually says something important and meaningful. If you’d like to see my ” transformation from Orthodox Jewish Boy to Fabulous Drag Queen, feel free to watch here. I would say that my lowlight of the competition would be the constant self doubt I have. I have such a desire to always give my best, and have such a need for everything to be as close to perfect as possible that I get unsure of myself at times. I’m so happy that I have the support system to pull me out of those head spaces and always remind me to stick to my gut and keep doing my very best.
Question: How would you describe your experience on SYTYCD? What was it like to work with Paige, Chelsea and all other guests that have come through?
LS: Looking back now I am so grateful to have gone through this experience with such an amazing group of girls. When you are in it sometimes one’s (my) competitive nature can definitely creep on up there. But these girls really inspired me to keep pushing myself and keep the caliber of work on par with what they were all turning out. And I’m so grateful to Paige and Chelsea for being there for me throughout this entire journey.
Question: So without spoiling anything, what can we expect from you in the finale?
LS: Well I think as anyone who has been coming consistently I’ve always managed to give something unexpected. I plan on giving you a full range of performances with a classic Lady Sin twist! I’d love to tell you more, but your just gunna have to come and find out for yourself !!!
Question: Best of luck on the 12th! Any you want to plug before we wrap up?
LS: Ummmmmmm as of now the only thing on my mind is this FINALE … But Hebro is hosting some amazing parties and as you could have guessed you might be seeing your favorite Jewish drag queen there !!! Check them out here for more info !!!! But back to the finale lol, everyone please make your way out to New World Stages on November 12th and vote for your favorite Jewish American Princess.