The whole world took a huge hit this week, with the loss of British icon David Bowie on Monday. As well as being a revolutionary artist and singer, Bowie was a huge queer icon. Coming out as bisexual and wearing women’s clothing at the time was unheard of, and Bowie expressed himself fearlessly. His death shook the world and the drag community included. Tributes poured out, including Sharon Needles and Morgan McMichaels, pictured below. Rest in space, starman.
The ever so talented Phi Phi O’Hara has started a 365 Project this year (yes, she knows it’s a leap year and there are 366 days in 2016, but she’s allowed one day of rest) and has set herself the challenge of producing a different drag look EVERY DAY. So far she hasn’t let us down yet, producing incredible looks every single day. From recreating a look from a thrift store sweater to stunning alien looks, we love what you’ve produced so far PhiPhi!
Over here in the UK, students from the Arts University of Bournemouth have launched an Indigogo for a new drag short film. Their film explores themes of drag, gender, identity and how all these can relate to each other. The lead character uses drag as a form of escapism, her act celebrates the beauty of a butterfly, and links the transformation of getting into drag, with the transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly. The film is strictly a character piece, with a dance performance at its centre. Inspired by the work of David Lynch, they aim to create a surreal, dream-like piece, set inside the strange and beautiful world of Burlesque. When writing the script, they were greatly inspired by trips to Burlesque and drag shows in East London, we loved the absence of taboos, the atmosphere of acceptance, and the overall feel that all genders, sexualities, ages, shapes and sizes can be beautiful. Check out their indigogo for the short film “Silver Studded Blue” here!
It’s proving to be a busy week for Phi Phi as herself, Sasha Pierce Davenport and Chelsea Piers appeared on Watch What Happens Live on Bravo Wednesday night. Ryan Seacrest was a guest and in honor of American Idol’s last season, they had an American Idol Drag Pageant. Phi Phi was Kelly Clarkson, Sasha was Fantasia and Chelsea was Carrie Underwood, and Seacrest picked Phi Phi the winner!
See you all next week for another all new edition of “The Week in Drag”! If you think we missed a story or if you have suggestion for next week, tweet us at @WERRRKdotcom and let us know!