Welcome to another #WEEKINDRAG! Lets look back on the realm of drag over the past week..
Last week, the stunning Courtney Act released a music video for her song “Kaleidoscope”. The video takes place on a gorgeous sunny beach where Courtney bumps into a beautiful girl and their whimsical relationship unfolds. The song lyrics and music video are a big middle finger to gender and sexuality stereotypes and boundaries, and offers an ambiguous, free exploration of the topic.
Act states that “I loved coming up with the concept for this video. I wanted to tell a story about a different facet of the Kaleidoscope. I feel that gender and sexuality are fluid and so often we get stuck in the rigidity. Who knows when someone outside your usual target zone might come also and sweep you off your feet?”
The wardrobe is effortlessly beautiful, the scenery impeccable and the whole video is just really new and refreshing to go with an upbeat, meaningful song. I love it, Courtney! Buy “Kaleidoscope” on iTunes here!

Over here on my side of the pond, Adore Delano and Holy Trannity teamed up to do a UK Tour together, featuring some new tracks from Delano’s upcoming album “AFTERPARTY”. With dates in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Manchester, Adore left fans ecstatic from her incredible performances, complete with stage diving, including older classics from her debut album “Till Death Do Us Party” and fresh new tracks from “AFTERPARTY”. Congratulations on yet another successful tour to Holy Trannity and Adore Delano!

Also this week, Brenda Dharling won Miss Boots and Saddle in NYC! Brenda is known for being one of, if not the best dancer in NYC and she beat out ocassional WERRRK.com contributor Alexis Michelle for the win, who came 1st runner up! Brenda can add this win to her multiple “Best Dancer” Glam Awards! Congratulations, Dharling!
Drag queens are officially taking over the internet. This week, drag favourites Willam Belli, Manila Luzon and Pandora Boxx took over main stream internet by appearing on Buzzfeed! The trio featuring in a drag makeover on Ken dolls, to turn them into mini lil drag queens with hilarious results. Check the video out below!

See you all next week for another all new edition of “The Week in Drag”! If you think we missed a story or if you have suggestion for next week, tweet us at @WERRRKdotcom and let us know!