We’re very excited to announce that the winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race inspired “LET’S GET TO WERRRK Design Challenge is…….. *drum roll*
CRIMSON KITTY for her Curtain Dress, inspired by the Season Two, Episode one challenge that was won by Morgan McMichaels where the queens had to make an outfit entirely from a set of curtains!
For her win, Kitty will be receiving a $100 gift certificate to Atomic Cosmetics and has earned the first spot in our 2016 Miss Bio-WERRRK online drag pageant! Condragulations Kitty and thank you to everyone who participated!
[cycloneslider id=”crimson-kitty”]
I think everyone suspected that I would choose the Hello Kitty challenge but the Gone With The Window challenge really resonated with me. As a child growing up in the 80’s, I would always watch old reruns of Bewitched, I Dream Of Jeanie etc. However a TV commercial came one advertising the Best Of Carol Burnett and that is when I saw her saunter in with a pair of curtains and a curtain rod! I was so young but that image and knowing how comedic one can make pop culture was something I learned that day.
What I wanted to do was the exact opposite. Take something from my childhood and do the exact opposite. I started channeling my inner NYC 5th Ave old money ladies as I have worked at a spa in that area and saw a whole other world filled with money, privilege and excess. I would see these ladies always in sunglasses, always with exaggerated eyeliner and a full Chanel suit. It’s so dressed up and together that in a way it is THIER drag. I love the juxtaposition of paying $20 for 4 panels of curtain and transforming it into something luxurious!
(she/her) Despite being a drag journalist for over a decade, Chiffon only recently realized that she missed a golden opportunity back then to change her drag name to Rhoda Story.
“Dreams…they do come true.” On this episode, your hosts Martyr (@dragthemartyr) and Cate (@ctepper) sit down with the Unserious Trans Drag Queen and DJ – Evangeline! They discuss Evangeline’s journey growing up in the Hudson Valley, forming the Haus of Peculiar, being part of the drag punk scene, and attending makeup school. Later, we hear more about working with her husband Mauve, creating the drag revue “Sex Change,” producing and DJ’ing at “F*gnet,” performing in Bushwig, and her history with Sasha Velour’s Nightgowns. + Follow our guest: @tellevangeline on all social media platforms, and on Venmo: @reallifestrawberry ~ tinyurl.com/wiggingoutpodcast This episode is proudly sponsored by MOTTO- the new queer dating app! Tired of the endless scrolling? With Motto, Motto sends you daily matches of people who match your interests and kinks. There are no fees, no ads, and no nonsense. Use invite code: ZVOGS when signing up. ~ Follow the pod on Instagram and Facebook @wiggingoutpodcast and on twitter @wiggingoutpod Thots, comments, and dick pics? Please send to dragthemartyr@gmail.com Cover art: Madeline De Michele – www.madelinedemichele.com Music: “Club” by Andrew Huang (www.youtube.com/channel/UCdcemy56JtVTrsFIOoqvV8g) under Creative Commons. Edits by C.Tepper