This past Saturday night, New York City was jam packed with even more drag queens, divas and a plethora of over the top costumes than usual! The colorful spectacle was the fifth annual DragON ball to benefit the Gay Men’s Health Crisis. (GMHC is the nation’s leading provider of HIV /AIDS care, prevention services and advocacy, serving nearly 9,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in New York City. You can still contribute to this very worthy cause here!). I was fortunate enough to be an invited guest this year and DragON: High Society went beyond my expectations!
Set at the scenic Hudson Terrace’s salon and garden terrace, hundreds of people, all colorfully and exotically garbed, danced, drank and generally frolicked the night away in Midtown West to the sounds of Occupy the Disco who provide music for the evening. The anticipation built throughout the evening as members of DragON handed out shiny rings to the people whose costumes that they liked the best which culminated in the highlight of the evening: The runway competition were those who were selected (including yours truly cough cough) were able to strut their stuff for the screaming crowd and the amazing panel of judges which included favorite Deven Green, Drag Race season 6 star Milk, fashion designer Marc Bouwer, Miss New York Jamie Lynn Macchia and Dorinda Medley of the Real Housewives of New York fame! In addition to the fierce runway competition, there were also performances by Milk and by the DragON team themselves during the festivities.
Like everyone there, Deven was thrilled to be a part of this event. “I didn’t make this debut on my own – OCC makeup and the security of my friends ushered me into the heart of New York. And, GMHC is an incredible organization and I was very proud to lend my voice and judging abilities.”
Beyond the fabulous evening that everyone had, the most important thing was all the good it will ultimately do for people living with HIV and AIDS. The evening was a spectacular success, raising twenty nine thousand dollars being for GMHC according to DragON co-creator Tom Smith (whose alter ego at the ball, Tamala I have to add was simply stunning with the dress of the evening), who added. “This was our fifth year throwing DragON and we were blown away by the creativity, love and support our guests bring to the party. Its our purpose to bring new energy to HIV/AIDS fundraising and support GMHC. To all who attended, you’re amazing and outrageous and we can’t wait to see you at DragON again next year!”
Thank you to Reed Davis for allowing me to use your photographs of the evening! Please check out Reed’s blog for more pictures from DragOn!
Personally speaking, I had such a wonderful evening and want to take a moment to commend Tom and the entire DragON team for putting such a fabulous event. I want to thank my amazing friend Deven Green for inviting me to DragON, Strawberry Fields for being the best partner in crime I could hope for for the evening, Fifi DuBois for beating my mug within an inch of its life, Boxxa Vine for making my beautiful gown, Planet Pepper for my awesome new Mini Astro Booty, Clutching at Curls for my stunning updo and our bartender Alex for turning us on to Svedka cherry vodka Shirley Temples. I certainly intend to be back next year and again, if you can spare a few dollars to support GMHC, it is a very worth cause.