You love Instagram. We love Instagram. Drag Queens love Instagram. So we figured, why not combine the three as “The Drag ‘Gram of the Week”? Now when we say “Drag ‘Gram”, we’re not talking about Lady Bunny! Each week, we’re going to spotlight our ten favorite drag-related Instagram posts of the week! If you’re a queen and would like to be featured in an upcoming edition of “The Drag ‘Gram of the Week”, be sure to tag your Instagram posts with #WERRRK (and following us on Instagram wouldn’t hurt your chances either!) so we don’t miss any of your fabulous shots!
Yuhua Hamasaki: New York City
Oriana Perón: Bloomington, Indiana
James Majesty: Seattle
Monèt X Change: New York City
Phi Phi O’ Hara
Miss Gay USofA Aurora Sexton: Nashville
Kat Sass: Chicago
Jade Jolie, Aubrey Jolie & Shontelle Sparkles: Louisville
Daisy Deadpetals: Fort Lauderdale
Scarlett Bobo and Leelando Calrissian: Toronto