Ok Werrrkers….it’s time to tighten them tucks and get in the WERRRK.com Race car (a pink 87 Astrovan with pink interior and…wait for it…chiffon drapes) cause it is time for the Drag Race to begin! Let’s get started on the first lap!
With so many new features, I feel my recaps will get some too!
The Entrances:
Katya– The one that got away….because she was sent home even though we all know she shoulda won. She walks in as hilariously her as ever but you can tell she has more confidence. Which honestly….will play so well to her advantage.
Detox– Notice how her entrance jewelry matches her hair/brows in the confessionals. That’s talent…I think? Detox’s humor is one of a kind cause it comes outta no where and you need a moment to catch your life.
Alyssa– What can I say? You know you’re glad she’s back. Her presence just makes a difference because unintentional humor is the highlight on the beat face of comedy.
Phi Phi O’Hara – Honestly, I’m so happy she made it back. Anyone who follows her, knows she’s changed and grown. I hope, even if she doesn’t win, she redeems herself. Girl has worked hard and deserves it.
Ginger Minj – She wins for best entrance! I thought it was cool she acknowledged (and the show let her) the fans reaction to season 7, adds a subplot for her if they keep going. I forgot how truly hilarious she is. She got bitter towards the end of her season, which never made sense to me, but I’m glad she’s back and looking better than ever.
Roxxxy Andrews – GIRL LOOKS GREAT! Still giving up style and glamour at any size. Hopefully this season she’s fun kind of bitch.
Coco Montrese – Glad we don’t have to see Coco vs Alyssa Round 2. I lived for that Dorito.
Alaska – Alaska entering a room never gets old. She’s the personification of the us queers have in us, and it’s great to see it return to inspire in us.
Tatianna– The farthest back All Stars 2 reached back too. I feel the queens felt she was an easy one to eliminate, but I don’t know why they felt that. She has always been strong, her entry look shoulda been a reminder there.
Adore Delano – She came in just they way you’d expect. Honestly, is that a bad thing or, in her case a good thing? Guess we’ll see.
The Mini Challenge:
And the teams are….
That said…the first RUveal was that Ru won’t eliminate anyone and the queens in the top 2 will Lipsync for Their LEGACYYYY (Chiffon, can we have an echo effect?) while winning $10k per win, the queens had their first mini challenge…and they started with THE READING CHALLENGE?! WHY ARE WE THIS LUCKY?!
The reading challenge was stellar for the most part but Coco was so weak. After two watches I didn’t think Alyssa’s was great either.
Standouts for me were when:
Phi Phi reads Tatianna and called Detox Venus D’lite. It left me for dead.
Katya to Roxxxy about the bus stop (and Alaska’s reaction)
Alaska to Detox about saying this was her intervention.
Alaska wins, which was impressive considering how awesome everyone was and the girls need to get ready for the Main Stage…where they gotta show their talents in
The Main Challenge:
The Main Challenge:
The chit chat back stage did a great job of digging deeper into their girls and their thoughts on being back. The interactions were great because these girls have clearly bonded since they left and it makes this feel more personal to not just them, but the audience.
Meanwhile….on the main stage:
Adore -Adore showed up wearing a mini dress version of what Adele wears. The song just wasn’t for me, I wanted to like it, but couldn’t get into it. I expected more.
Alyssa – Alyssa is a walking variety show because she always does so much and you’re always entertained by it. Everything she did reminded me why I love drag.
Coco –Oh girl…..what was that….just….no. We….no girl. Not that.
Detox – Detox was great because she did a song she knew, vocally wasn’t great, but gave you something extra with the concept, look, and execution. It wasn’t the strongest but it was so Detox, and that counts for something.
Ginger – She’s got the best voice in my opinion, but the look was bad. I didn’t realize it wasn’t a dress until Michelle pointed it out. She’s better than this and I know she will show it.
Katya – Holy damn she’s amazing. If you didn’t realize from the gymnastics, what gymnasts can do is no joke. That said, while very cool and funny, wasn’t what I expected. This was safe, and she ended up being, but I feel this was a warm up.
Phi Phi – I was optimistic about this at first but then like….it didn’t get to the point I think she thought it was. Dress was pretty but needed to be more form fitting. Glad she felt the need to break out, but I feel she shouldn’t planned something else.
Roxxxy – I now want to see a production of Gypsy where RuPaul is Mama Rose and Roxxxy is June. Holy damn this was every last thing.
Alaska – There was so much I loved about this. Kinda wanna see Alaska as Emcee in a production of Cabaret. I loved that Alaska brought that weirdness in us back out for us to relate to.
Tatianna – If people are still underestimating her, stop it….stop it right now. This whole concept was everything. I will say I got a Raven and Rihanna vibe here look-wise, but is that a bad thing? Only if it keeps showing up, but I feel that won’t happen. .
After all this Ru gets to her, wait, what? OH….RuVeal 2: The Winner of the Legacy Lipsync/$10k….elimates the queen.
This leads to the GIRLS going back to confer and RuPaul & Co to have a drink….and y’all…the drunk Ru cutaways are legitmate perfection. The girls get to the back to figure a system of fair voting, which we all know will go by the wayside….and we are so ready for that!
One thing I loved was when Detox and Adore we’re talking. They were talking about stuff that happens on the Drag Race tour and showed IS a world outside of Drag Race that fan can follow. It could encourage viewers to go find it and when you go see your Drag Race favorites, you also get the chance to meet the local queens in your community, which is how drag keeps surviving. Regardless of who your favorite Drag Race girl is….find your favorite local queen….cause they’re there more days than when the Racers come to town. My point….in summation:
The lipsync between Tatianna and Roxxxy was strong. I thought Tatianna was gonna win tbqh but Roxxxy won and and sent Coco home….which was the right call out of Coco, Adore, and Phi Phi. I’ll be interested if Adore stays since she already feels she should belong, never a good sign on Drag Race.
As we say goodbye to CoCo we get ONE LAST HINT at….REVENGE….wait….what?
In closing, this season is not just a totally new and improved show, it’s a fresh new take on Drag Race. I love the format and it makes it seem really different and more special than just a regular season of Drag Race.
I’m so happy the race is on and these are the racers!
Keep geek.