If you missed Parts One and Two of the 3rd Annual WERRRK.com Drag Awards, click here and here!
Chiffon Dior: And we’re back again kids but before we continue, I’d like to take a moment to recognize two more friends of our site, Corset Connection and S&B Jewels. Both companies were sponsors of this year’s Miss WERRRK.com pageant so we ask you to pleasure support those companies that support us! Now on with the show!
Poppy Fields: Its time for one of my favorite categories, the Comic Book Movie of the Year! And I’m warning you nerds now ahead of time, if Wonder Woman doesn’t win next year, there will be hell to pay! That being said, please welcome to the stage, being escorted by our own Crunk Panda, coming to us all the way from Vancouver, the busy drag queen herself, Raye Sunshine!
- 2014 Winner: Guardians of the Galaxy
- 2015 Winner: Avengers: Age of Ultron
PF: Can I go present the Poppy to Ryan Reynolds in person?
CD: I told you a million times that they’re not called the Poppy Awards!
PF: I didn’t say anything about an award. *sheepish grin*
CD: I literally can’t with you sometimes.
PF: Well since you can’t, I guess I’ll announce our next presenter. She took home the pink trophy tonight as our new Queen of Los Angeles and now she is here to present the award for Drag Moment of the Year! Please welcome from Russia with love, Diana Dzhaketov!
- 2014 Winner: Courtney Act, Bianca Del Rio and Michelle Visage in Rocky Horror Picture Show
- 2015 Winner: Katya and Diana’s duet
WINNER: MONET X. CHANGE’S STREET BEATZ VIDEO (Check out Monet’s video here!)
CD: Congratulations Monet! Your video was both amazing and inspiring!
PF: That it was Chiffon! And speaking of amazing and inspiring, we’re extremely excited to reveal the winner of our second ever WERRRK.com Lifetime Achievement Award, named in honor of the late Jim Bailey, a legend of drag that we lost last year (Check out our tribute to Jim here). We are very excited to that last year’s recipient, Jimmy James has graciously agreed to narrate this year’s announcement, so without further adieu, take it away Jimmy!
- 2015 Recipient: Jimmy James
CD: I am so happy that we are honoring Lypsinka this year. She’s truly one of the legends of this business and an absolute hero of mine.
PF: And here I thought all of your heroes has the word “parmigiana” at the end of their names.
CD: I’m not going to let you ruin a beautiful moment Poppy. But now that you mention it….
PF: You’ll be snacking at the afterparty soon enough dear. Moving on, let’s welcome Toronto’s own Scarlett Bobo who is here to announce the winner of the Drag Queen Song of the Year Award! Take it away Scarlett!
- 2014 Winner: “Different” by Pandora Boxx
- 2015 Winner: “Break My Heart” by Scarlett Bobo
WINNER: #LOVERGIRL by RHEA LITRE (Buy #Lovergirl here!)
CD: Congratulations Rhea on a wonderful song! But now we need to get serious for a moment. Please welcome back to the stage, my sister Poppy Fields.
PF: Last year our LGBT Moment of the Year was an undeniable moment of triumph as marriage equality became the law of the land. This year’s moment was one of unspeakable tragedy as a madman with a gun invaded one of our sanctuaries, Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida and brutally murdered forty nine innocent people, while injuring many more. Right we ask that you all join us in a moment of silence, to remember those we have lost.
PF: Thank you all for that moment of silence.
CD: That moment of silence is the perfect segue for our final new award this year. Please welcome the narrator for this award, my friend Beverly Leslie Sills.
CD: Thank you Gypsy for the inspiration you have provided us all. This award will be given out in your name each year to someone who exhibits your courage and inspiration in the face of adversity.
PF: So as we reflect back on the recent past with sadness, we still need to move forward and look towards the future with hope. In that vein, its time to recognize this year’s Drag Horizon Award winner. Please welcome to the stage, the 2015 Drag Horizon Award winner, Phaedra Phaded!
- 2015 Winner: Phaedra Phaded
PF: Congratulations Discord and best of luck in 2017 as you continue your journey as a performer!
CD: If she keeps it up, maybe someday she’ll be a nominee for our next award Poppy?
PF: She certainly could but now its time for reveal of our biggest award, the Drag Queen of the Year award and last year’s winner, the one and only Katya Zamolodchikova is here to announce the winner as only she can! Take it away Katya!
- 2014 Winner: Bianca Del Rio
- 2015 Winner: Katya Zamolodchikova
CD: Wow! I didn’t see that coming but the fans have spoken and Biblegirl is our new Drag Queen of the Year! Congratulations Biblegirl and thank you to the thousands of fans who voted in the 3rd Annual WERRRK.com Drag Awards!
PF: We would be remiss if we didn’t thank all the special presenters who generously donated their time and talents at this busy time of the year. We also want to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2017!
CD: We appreciate the support of each and every one of our readers here and WERRRK.com and we look forward to continuing to bring you best drag, nightlife, entertainment and pop culture coverage on the web. Ladies and gentlemen, the evening is now over. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves and we’ll see you all again in 2017. Good evening!