Sure everyone has heard of March Madness but let’s be honest here, wouldn’t you rather take part in MADGE MADNESS, our celebration of all things Madonna? Yep, us too so be sure to join us as we dive into her entire catalogue, look into her fashion and style throughout the years and maybe even a few more surprises along the well! And don’t be afraid to share your thoughts of the Material Girl with us too!
Next up in our series is the follow up to her debut album, the smash hit Like A Virgin. Just click on the album cover below to add this album to your iTunes account. We have even included a Spotify playlist for you to listen along with us!
Following the success of her self titled debut, Madonna was ready to solidify her footing in the musical world and expand her reign over pop music. But getting control over her path forward proved difficult cause, as Madonna said of the Warner Brothers higher ups,
When Madonna attempted to become the album producer, after struggles the first time round, she found she had not earned such clout yet from problematic executives. While she found setbacks in one way she found an ally that would appease the hierarchy of WB’s boys club: Nile Rodgers.
The well respected Rodgers and eager upstart worked diligently but in the end, Madonna rose above and no one worked as hard as she did to make this album stronger.

Material Girl – Madonna returns in typical her fashion with a song that’s fun, catchy, and just the right amount of sass. As the times changed Madonna reminds people that men can be dogs and it’s ok for a girl to have fun. In her snappy refrains, Madonna challenges the notion that anyone needs someone to truly be happy and sometimes…things can be just as fun.
Angel – Ya know that feeling when you really just like or love someone, things seem brighter, this feeling is what this song is about. It’s not trying to be anything but a celebration of what romance can feel like.

Like a Virgin – I could be lazy and just post the scene from Reservoir Dogs, but it’s too important of a song to do that to. While this wasn’t an original Madonna song it ended up fitting the motifs of challenging the morality of religious ideals that would define Madonna’s early years. It’s ironic nature has led to many a discussion of the song’s meaning.
Over and Over – Madonna, as a person, is stronger on this album than her first. On the first album she seemed to be making the same mistakes with men, over and over, but on this one she declares no one can knock her down for long because her individuality makes her stand tall.. This is one of her most inspirational tracks, at this point, as she’s trying to inspire and ever expanding fan base.
Love Don’t Live Here Anymore – A cover of a Rose Royce’s classic, this song proved to be, arguably, Like a Virgin’s most emotional moment. It showcases a side of Madonna we hadn’t seen before. It’s both hard hitting, yet vulnerable. It isn’t trying to be better than it’s original, but rather a fresh and modern spin. It’s inclusion gives the album extra texture that makes it much more multi-dimensional.
Dress You Up – While Madonna started this album by discussing her love of material things, she also reminds potential suitors that the best thing they’ll ever have is love, specifically hers. This works as a companion piece to Material Girl because it reminds the listener that love will always be more important than material things.
Shoo-Bee-Doo – It’s simple, sweet, and little else. I’m not sure it’s one of Madonna’s memorable songs, but it does make ya feel good, doesn’t it?
Pretender – This track is for those who have been taken by the smooth words of a player, a warning track to be on the look out for guys like. If you’ve ever been taken by a snake in the grass, don’t fret, because no one is impervious to their charms, not even Madonna.
Stay – This song is a moment where Madonna seems like she is actually speaking directly to her audience. Making them the love she’s singing about. This album, while more much more confident, isn’t far different from her first. This song is the last message to her audience till we meet again. She wants us to know she’s always thinking of us and that she cares as much for us as we do for her.
In this album we see a more mature Madonna, one that had the confidence to make an album pushing back on notions of what morality and religion mean. The cover of the album is a more bold means of spreading that message. The multi-faceted image that is both virtuous yet deviant, blending perfectly the duality, that the lyrics continue to challenge, of he traditional view of what a virtuous person is. Madonnaomes off as sassy and self-serving but only as a means to starkly highlight that her main virtue is always love.
This album isn’t my favorite but I do love that it inspires people’s confidence and challenges a one-track way thinking. This album is still so very relevant today as we see the religious right try to impose values on a people that have outgrown outdated messages of what morality is. Madonna didn’t shake up what she does too drastically but she does get to show a range of talents in multiple genres and, as a result, show her true depth as an artist.
Next up, True Blue! Stay tuned as Madge Madness rolls on here at!