Sure everyone has heard of March Madness but let’s be honest here, wouldn’t you rather take part in MADGE MADNESS, our celebration of all things Madonna? Yep, us too so be sure to join us as we dive into her entire catalogue, look into her fashion and style throughout the years and maybe even a few more surprises along the well! And don’t be afraid to share your thoughts of the Material Girl with us too!
Next up in our series is another big hit, True Blu. Just click on the album cover below to add this album to your iTunes account. We have even included a Spotify playlist for you to listen along with us!
After two albums, Madonna had found her footing in the musical world and yet, Madonna was at a crossroads. Her first two albums had been well enough received, but left critics saying her sophomore album felt more of what they had heard on the first. So Madonna didn’t just have to up the ante, she had to change the game.
On June 30th, to the sound of strings and synth in sync, Madonna released True Blue. An album dedicated to a very specific love: Sean Penn, her then husband. While past albums dealt with easily relatable issues like dating and love, this album, reinforces Madonna’s encouragement of rebellious ways. It also boldly very confronts issues like teenage pregnancy at a time when pop music preferred it’s pop bubblegum, less meat.
True Blue gave audiences something to chew on, in a great many ways.
Papa Don’t Preach – Pushing boundaries, that she herself set, Madonna introduces album storytelling in way that was not so much to create controversy, but rather try and share the story of those often unheard: A pregnant teen looking not for judgment, but advice, a blessing. While yes this is a layered song, looking outward from in, I do believe it continues Madonna speaking directly to us. She knows that she goes too far sometimes, but if you don’t like her, fine, but give her understanding for her right to exist.
Open Your Heart – This song is great because, in addition to how catchy it is, it’s so relatable. We all have tried to get that one person to notice us. We know they’d like us if they could see us in that certain way. Madonna’s relatability would go on to be one of her greatest strengths. A song like this is one of those shining examples.
White Heat – If you have never seen the movie this song references, you owe it to yourself to do that ASAP. Without spoiling it, in the film, James Cagney’s character, a smartass with has a strong personality (sound familiar), that ends up in a situation where he has to fight his way back up against all odds. Kinda like when you’re with someone and you know it’s gonna take work, but you need that person to meet you half way. Madonna wants people to know that love takes work, but if you are the only one trying, an uphill fight never ends well. While the first song deals with the father figure, White Heat is a film where a rebel has a complicated relationship with his mom.

Live to Tell – This ended up being a song used for a Sean Penn film, At Close Range. The song is important beyond the film because Madonna wasn’t known for her ballads. The style of song gave Madonna a different sound for by adding it to this album, but it blends in very well with the albums complexity in lyrics, as well a music.
Where’s the Party –Track wise, Madonna needed something lighthearted to follow Live to Tell. She does this by singing about what everyone who works 9-5 thinks….letting go and having fun on the weekend.
True Blue – The title track takes its inspiration from not just the sounds of the 50s & 60s, but also from Sean Penn, who serves as Madonna’s muse for this song. Madonna’s giddiness for love comes of the track before the sounds to. Lyrically and musically she gushes the whole song through that it all but takes the sting out of the idea of being blue.

La Isla Bonita – As relatability has been Madonna’s strengths, her dreams are still her own. As she mentions, this song is a dream. To open up her mind, she paints a descriptive picture that can take anyone away with her. The music itself helps set that vision so that all people need to do is close their eyes to be taken there.
Jimmy Jimmy – If you haven’t noticed, Madonna loves paying tribute to the artists and styles that have come before her. This song is very Bop music, but she adds an 80s twist to make it fresh and exciting for people who might not find the sounds of the past as exciting as their parents do.
Love Makes the World Go Round – This ties her three albums together but reminding us all Madonna’s key message will always be love. It does a great job of specifying not all love is romantic. It also encourages the notion of not judging someone for who they are and closes the album out in way the brings us full circle to what the first track was asking.
True Blue is a remarkable album and, at this point in her career, took Madonna to the next level. It solidified her as more than just a pop star but rather, an artist. What I love most about this album is that it creates a narrative outside of the music. The story is about the kind of success someone can achieve if they step outside the norm. If they push back and take a risk, the payoff can be great.
I honestly feel this is one of Madonna’s best albums, but also one of her most important. This album crafts the classic Madonna that everyone so vividly remembers and universally adores.
Next up, True Blue! Stay tuned as Madge Madness rolls on here at!