Welcome back to another edition of #THEWEEKINDRAG!
The UK’s only drag prince Alfie Ordinary announced something huge this week! From June 11th, Alfie will be taking his award winning show “Help! I Think I Might Be Fabulous” across the pond over to Hollywood, San Diego and Mexico! The Brighton Fringe winning show will be held during Hollywood Fringe Festival and San Diego International Fringe Festival. If you or your friends are in any of these areas and interested in working or seeing Alfie during his visit, contact him on either his Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!
Also this week on my side of the pond, London based queen Charity Kase finished her #100daysofdrag. For the past 100 days, Charity has been posting a variety of looks, from horror to Disney to glamour. Kase has shown she can do it all! On her last day of looks, Charity announced that she will be extending her 100 days to a staggering 365 days! Head over to Charity’s Instagram here to keep up with all her stunning looks.
Despite past protest towards Facebook changing performers names and YouTube restricting LGBTQA+ content, censorship within the online drag community is still a hugely prevalent issue. This past week saw two huge drag influencers, Rubber Child and WERRRK.com’s 2016 Queen of the Year BibleGirl 666‘s Instagram’s disabled. Rubber has experienced this more than once in the past few weeks, having Instagram disable her account, then bringing it back only to remove it again days later. Bible has also had her account disabled, and then when expressing her outrage on Facebook, her account there was also then disabled for 24 hours. Instagram and Facebook both responded by saying recent activity on their pages had violated the terms of service. With both Rubber and Bible not posting anything out of the ordinary when this happened, this yet again only suggests that social media platforms are censoring LGBTQA+ content as inappropriate. With racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, sexist, etc profiles existing on these platforms, the choices of which accounts are being removed are questionable. You can follow Rubber and Bible’s new accounts here and here, and here’s hoping Instagram reassesses these changes and bring back their accounts.

The past week, drag legend Coco Peru visited the UK. Peru toured the show “A Gentle Reminder: Coco’s Guide to a Somewhat Happy Life” to five lucky cities in the UK, and was a sell out success. I was lucky enough to see the show on her Bristol pitstop, and I was completely blown away. Without giving too much away (because you simply MUST go see this yourself when you can!), the show involved Coco recounting moments in her life that lead her to where she is today. Her stories and songs had the audience laughing, crying and left with a sense of wonder at the message Peru had weaved into her spectacular show. Congratulations on a fantastic tour Coco, and we hope to have you back very soon!
This last one is just over a week ago, but I couldn’t not include it! Lucknow in India celebrated their first ever queer Pride Parade on Sunday the 9th of April. India’s first Pride Parade was over 18 years ago, but the event was finally hosted in the northern Indian city of Lucknow. Around 300 people travelled far and wide to show up to the event, and the turnout had increased hugely from the first one in 1999. The event was hugely successful, with stunning queens, pride flags and a hugely positive message that went a long way.
That’s it for another week in drag. Let us know if you feel like we missed anything or have anything for next time, tweet us weekly at @WERRRKdotcom or @emilymeowww for updates on #THEWEEKINDRAG.