Geneva Convention
Geneva presented an extremely polished look and had a lovely presence on camera! I loved the tie in to the Clam Slam Troupe–how clever. My only criticism is that the look seemed to stop at the waist–in the future, seeing Geneva’s skills put to use in a way that is truly head to toe could be very exciting.
Her? presented an exciting back story with their look and was very confident and engaging. I had a lot of fun watching the shenanigans that were had along the water! If I were to offer and critique, it would be that the lovely makeup didn’t tie into the look elsewhere. If we had the color of the rotting flesh along the arms or legs, it could’ve pushed the look from very good to great.
Minnow Future
Minnow Future certainly tickled my funny bone in this themed presentation video! I have a clear sense of who Minnow is and the kind of comedy we can expect from them in the Future. I wasn’t a huge fan of the total look, but the makeup and hair were lovely.
Lucky Stiff
Lucky presented quite an evocative look and I thoroughly enjoyed the mashup of Joan of Arc and Lady of the Lake. It’s clear in the video Lucky isn’t Stiff on stage, but the voice over seemed a little rigid. If Lucky can translate the freedom they have while dancing into the way they communicate on film, their package will be fabulous!
The Lady Mone’
The Lady Mone’ is so charming on camera! I can’t wait to see more from you in the competition. I wish we could see more of the details in Mone’s look during this video, but their distance from the camera for most of it plus the lighting obscures the outfit, which The Lady Mone’ is clearly passionate about.
Geneva Convention
This is a beautiful look, and I appreciated your attention to detail to fulfill the “couture” aspect of the prompt. I enjoyed the addition of the giant clam prop and the connection to your drag that it represented, and you did a great job of introducing yourself and giving us an idea of who you are as an artist!
Minnow Future
You’ve got a really interesting character (hello fellow alien clown!) and a unique sense of humor and I’m glad you were able to showcase both of those here! I would have liked to see a little more detail put into the look- very cute from the shoulders up, but below that it’s just a plain swimsuit and no shoes. I can tell you’ve got some really interesting ideas in you and I’m excited to see how you move forward from here!
Lady Mone’
You’ve got such a fun demeanor and are so charming to watch! I love your pirate/Calypso inspiration and how different of a direction you took from the others with your concept. Going forward I’d love to see you push your look and your video production to be more heightened and over the top to match your big personality!
This video was so much fun, you did a great job of introducing us both to you and the themed character you created! I appreciated what a unique and interesting interpretation you took for this prompt and that you gave us a fully realized persona with a backstory and personality. It was obvious that you had a lot of fun with this and don’t take yourself too seriously, which was great to see!
Lucky Stiff
This is a really cool look, and I appreciate that it fits the prompt while also still being very true to your signature aesthetic and giving us something interesting and avant garde. I love your sense of artistic vision and the way you carry yourself. Your video was really captivating but it (along with your audition/intro video) left me wanting to know more about who you are as an artist and as a person. Looking forward to seeing what you do next!
I loved everything about this. The story was hilarious and the outfits were perfect. I thought it was such a fun take on nautical couture. The creepy and dark aspects of the makeup mixed with the bright colors and cleanliness of the outfits reminds me of Tim Burton and i thought it was brilliant.
Lucky Stiff
Absolutely Beautiful, you definitely reminded me of a mermaid warrior, about to lead her army into battle. The presentation was gorgeous and your movements really brought the look together.
Geneva Convention
This outfit was STUNNING, and so was your makeup, your inspiration and execution really aligned and I think you nailed it. I would encourage you to have more fun with your presentation and answers though, so they don’t sound so forced or scripted.
Minnow Future
I thought that this video and presentation was absolutely hilarious; I really enjoyed watching you & enjoy your sense of humor, however I wish more time could have gone into this outfit because I think you could have still stayed true to your character while creating something more couture.
Lady Mone’
You were absolutely darling to watch! You have so much passion and excitement for what you’re doing. I would encourage you to get a little more bold and adventurous with your makeup to really take it to the next level. Try not to be overly descriptive in your presentation, because a strong look should say what words don’t always need to.
Poppy Fields
Geneva Convention
I thought the costuming, hair, and makeup were all fantastic. While it might have been a ‘bit’ more nautical if you had chosen to possibly include a starfish or seashells somewhere in the ensemble, the large clam (though, we didn’t see it very well) was a nice touch. Still, those are nitpick-y things and I think you were outstanding. Great presentation skills and information on who you are as a performer.
I’m not sure what you chose to wear was ‘couture’ necessarily, but for creativity, originality, and content – wonderful job. Your inspiration left me a tad uneasy, so that alone meant you had an impact. Good job of letting us know about you and allowing your humor to come through during the presentation.
Lucky Stiff
I thought your costume, makeup, and movement were all mesmerizing; however, during your presentation we learned more about how and why you assembled your wardrobe than we learned about you as a performer. Also, the voiceover was a bit of a safe move; next time, let’s see you speak live on camera if the category calls for that.
Minnow Future
As my granny used to say, “I don’t think your ladder goes all the way up to the hayloft,” and I love it! However, you’re going to have to step up the wardrobe in the future, and experiment with getting a more “drag” look to your clown face.
The Lady Mone’
Loved your costume inspiration and presentation aspects! However, you’re going to have to heighten the drama and glamor with your makeup, hair, and ensembles going forward in the pageant.
Geneva Convention
Geneva! I am kind of obsessed with your look. First of all, you are stunning so let’s just get that out of the way. In regards to your ‘Hautical Nautical’ couture, I loved it. I can tell you really paid attention to the minor details. You even went ahead and stoned the ribbed neckline and I really appreciate that. Job well done. My only complaint is after you mentioned the clam, I really wanted to get a good view of the clam and it never came. Also work the space a little. I wanted to see a full view of the outfit while standing. Great job this week!
Minnow Future
Ahhh Minnow Future… Your submission this week was probably one of the stranger things I witnessed today and I rode the subway to get here. However, I did enjoy your video. I am a huge fan of that cute penguin you got there. I am hoping you will let me play with it. But your ‘Hautical Nautical’ couture needed a little more effort. This is our second run of the pageant. I am challenging you to step it up!
The Lady Mone’
I love the Calypso look. I’ve always been obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean so that was a solid concept for me. That being said, I think it would have been fun if you took the look one step further. Your look was very clean… don’t be afraid to throw some dirt on it! Calypso lived in the bayou swamps of Cuba so I expect to see a ripped, dirty look. Also, don’t be afraid to get close to the camera sometimes and show us that beautiful face! We all are excited to have you here so give us that energy back! Great first week!
Her! No not you… Her? I loved your video. You really sold it. The look was complete and the way you pranced around the area and terrorized ducks really tied it all together. I just really hope no ducks were harmed in the making of this pageant submission. Great job, keep it up!
Lucky Stiff
This was such a cool video Lucky! This look really stole my heart. My only wish is that we got to know you a little more. I can tell you were very in the zone and I appreciate that. Definitely one of my favorite looks. I hope next week we get to see what is behind that fishy exterior.
Gorgeous look all round. Dripping in pearls isn’t what my mind first goes when I think nautical, but you explanation tied it in all together.
Stunning. Love your personality and this pirate inspired look made you stand out from the others.
Your backstory was hilarious and your makeup is spooky, fun and fits the theme well.
Such an interesting twist. I live for the drama and your makeup is crazy fun.
Girl, you are crackers and I love it. The makeup gave me more clown (fish?) than hautical nautical, but your story was hilarious.
Great WERRRK Her? I love how clear and concise your introduction and explanation was! It seemed like your were a little nervous, totally understandable but try and loosen up before filming as the competition goes on. Your model music was everything, cmon’ beach boogie!
Geneva Convention
Geneva, your Hautical Nautical Couture was runway ready! I loved how energetic and professional your introduction was! The clam prop was brilliant, way to represent your home show! I wish there had been more blue accents in your look, maybe a blue lip or shadow? In the next category try to include more full body modeling, but overall excellent first submission!
Minnow Future
You’re far out idea had me rolling with laughter! I can really get a sense of your wit and humor with the sarcastic twist you included in your submission! Loved the props you included (how fun)! Sadly it seems like your video was cut due to length. Try to double check your time before submitting so we don’t lose any important information such as your look explanation.
The Lady Mone’
Lady Mone’ I absolutely loved the joyful energy you brought to this submission! From your first words I could feel the pride you took in your completed look. The look itself was clean but a little simple, in the future of the competition don’t forget about adding in those key details to help seal the deal! Also it might be helpful to rehearse your explanations a little before filming, you topic hopped just a tiny bit.
Lucky Stiff
Lucky Stiff your concept in this first submission had me absolutely gagged! What an interesting combination which totally werrrked for you! It seems like you missed some key components to this submission (self introduction and fun fact). Double check that you are hitting all the points needed for each category.
Really enjoyed your look, and you. I like a bit of a darker side with this look, and the playfulness that came with it was so fun. The facial expressions especially in the makeup were very nice, I love seeing how people convey messages other than verbally and you did great!
Enjoyed the background story, you can tell you really thought about this. I’m a sucker for those tights too whenever I see them. The Joan of Arclantis™ look is great. Can’t wait to see what you unleash creatively next week
I love your hair so much, and the abundance…dare I say plethora of pearls, was fantastic. Was really nice hearing more about your clam…wait, what? Look forward to seeing what is next!
You’re so lovely, and I love your outfit, that said…I wasn’t getting much of a nautical vibe, and, I really couldn’t hear your audio. I see some good potential, but, I would iron out a kink or two on the technical side, wasn’t able to really receive your message.
I’m not sure about folding space time, but, I like how you managed to dominate a claw machine to finish out your nautical accessories. As an introductory piece, I felt more like I was being pitched a story idea than getting to know you, interesting background, curious to see what you bring next.