Hi there Discord! It’s nice to finally talk with you. How are you doing this evening?
Fantastic! It’s a nice break today from how wild this month has been!
Well we’re closing in Halloween which is basically like drag Christmas so I can imagine you’re crazy busy!
Yes! This past weekend I had four shows in three days
That’s all? Are you slacking gurl?
Laughs Not when you mix the day job in too!
So it’s time to get right to the important questions. How dramatically has your life changed since the readers of WERRRK.com voted you the 2016 Drag Horizon Award winner and have the paparazzi given you a moment’s rest the past ten months?
Omg!! My life has literally changed three hundred percent since ! Winning that aligned right around the time I moved to Chicago and everything has just been wild since!
That’s a great segue for me. Prior to Chicago, you were in Akron, Ohio if my interns did their research correctly. Is that where your drag story began?
Absolutely! Four years of drag in Akron.
What is your earliest memory of drag growing up?
Rupaul on Sabrina the Teenage Witch, except I don’t think I really thought twice about it!
So how did you find yourself getting started in drag then?
I think it’s subconsciously always been there. My family always made halloween a big deal and my dad would always put me in extravagant makeup and my mom would make me huge costumes. And I think it just spilled over.

So it sounds like it was really a no-brainer then. What was your first time in drag?
I started doing drag right before season four of Drag Race aired. I practiced in my home a bunch before I wanted to actually perform. But at my first performance I ended up looking like a corpse Cher. I performed Teeth by Lady Gaga.
So is there a big difference between Cher and corpse Cher?
Only in how pale my makeup was!
What was the biggest inspiration for your early drag?
To create a large platform where I could help spread acceptance to all the weird kids who don’t feel otherwise accepted. I wanted to be this larger than life rockstar.
Has that goal taken on a new importance in light of the Trump administration’s attack on the LGBTQ’s community?
It’s never neally dissipated honestly and yes of course that pushes it even further. My drag has always been rooted in honesty. I don’t bullshit my opinions to appease anyone and I think that’s why a lot of people love me and hate me.
Where did that attitude come?
I’m not sure. I was always like this in school too and it always got me both in and out of trouble. laughs It’s just always been a part of me to just be me because I always felt like if people didn’t like me for what I was then why would I want to be friends with them anyway? Why waste energy being something I’m not for some random person to like me when someone else is going to like me for what I already am.

Well enough people liked you to win our award last year. We nominate queens from around the country that we consider to be rising stars on the horizon (Hence the Horizon award, clever I know). Looking ahead to your future, what are some of the goals you have for your career?
I was SO surprised when I won! And so excited! My goals are to just keep growing and take over the world. I’m in the process of learning guitar.
I’m not a military strategist but I don’t know if a guitar is the best weapon for world domination?
I don’t know if Led Zeppelin agrees.
Fair point. Do you want to incorporate the guitar into your performance?
In recent years, Chicago has gotten a reputation for one of the most unique and exciting drag scenes in the country. What prompted your decision to move from Akron to the Windy City?
Just from visiting their once honestly! Gidget Von Addams and I performed at Berlin and then moved here four months later! The drag here is unlike anything! Everyone is do kind and welcoming and the audience enjoys the show and participates. It’s incredible.

How has that environment affected your drag?
To go from an audience of seven people to a packed house changes everything, instills more confidence and allows me to be the performer I knew I could be.
You mentioned Gidget before. What is it like to have a drag partner in crime who is also your partner in life as well?
It’s amazing! She’s my best friend and and life partner and even though our aesthetics are so different they still compliment each other in a weird way. Plus she makes all my outfits because she’s so talented!
Are there any challenges with a two queen household?
Space! There’s no room for anything!
Are you game for our Lightning Round questions?
Must have makeup item
Unicorn blood lipstick!
Drag role model?
Bret Michaels.
4am post drag food craving?
TACO BELL Or this magic place called Cheesies.
Best Part of Drag?
Meeting everyone.
Worst part of drag?
Padding and taking off the makeup.
Most surprising thing about you people might not know?
I use to.go to a Christian school.
If not for drag, what would you be doing?
Saving money.
Guilty pleasure?
Hair metal.
Netflix binge recommendation?
Oh wow! I’d really recommend everyone take a trip back to Malcolm in the Middle. It’s hysterical.
Death Row last meal?
Medium rare filet mignon. More on the rareside with a side of mashed potatoes and crab legs.
Last one, most embarrassing song on your phone?
I just looked and it seems to be I Would by One Direction! Laughs
Well you survived to the lightning round so now we get to one of my favorite parts of any interview, the shameless promotional part! I know you have some enamel pins coming out soon and I’m sure you have some big gigs coming up soon so let the WERRRK.com universe know where to find you, where to buy you, where to follow you!
Yes!! In just a few short weeks I’ll be releasing a limited amount of enamel pins that I’m fucking obsessed with! You can currently buy my T-shirts on Drag Queen Merch! And you can follow me. Everywhere @discordaddams! I’m also starting a rock N roll drag show named after the Velvet Underground starting at the end of the month at Gman Tavern that I’m extremely excited about! Every month it’s going to focus on a different genres or aspect of rock. I wanted to give a voice and show for the queer punks around and give them an escape from the typical top 40 club atmosphere.
Well that sounds amazing and I am sure it’s going to be a big success! Shaking things up is how the artform advances.
Exactly! I’m so incredibly excited about it! We joined forces with Wanda Screw from Sadhaus.
Well Discord, I think we have just about reached the end of our time together tonight. I am so looking forward to following your career in the coming months and years. Do you have any final words of wisdom to leave the WERRRK readers with?
It was lovely talking to you!! My advice would be just to not waste any time taking anyone’s bullshit or pretending to be anything other than your true self. We’re all here for a good time not a long time!