Welcome fellow cult members! We did it… last night was the season finale of American Horror Story: Cult. Wow, this season flew by! This season was by far one of my favorites. I couldn’t take myself away from this story and the characters were just so interesting. So let’s talk about last night’s episode titled, “Great Again” and the season as a whole, shall we?
The Good
Gosh where do I even start? Well first of all I think we should really give credit to the actors and actresses that worked on this season. Sarah Paulson as always was a dream and this was by far one of her strongest seasons. Sarah’s ability to tell a story is unmatched. Evan Peters was incredible and brought the fear to this show. He played so many characters and honestly he deserves an Emmy for at least one of him. This was Evan’s best season hands down. Then we have our new cast members such as Billy Eichner, Leslie Grossman, Billie Lourd, and Alison Pill. Each one of them brought something so interesting and entertaining to the show that I don’t want to see another season of American Horror Story without them. I also want to give spotlight to Adina Porter. I believe Adina was given the crappy end of the stick during Roanoke. During Cult however, Adina shined as Beverly Hope and I feel like it opened so many doors for her.
The story as a whole was freaking amazing. Originally when I heard about the idea of tying in the election I was very against it. How could Murphy make a season about Trump and Hillary interesting considering we just lived through it but it was so much more than that. What is more terrifying than delving deep into the minds behind the fanatics, white supremacists, established politicians, or the defeated in a post Trump world? This season talked about everything from politics, censorship, feminism, misogyny, mental abuse, mass-shootings and suicides, abortions, freedom of press, phobias, and the right to protest. I can write forever. Not to mention the in-depth history lessons we received about some of the world’s most notorious cult leaders like Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charles Manson, Jesus Christ, The Zodiac Killer, and even Andy Warhol. American Horror Story Cult’s willingness to talk about subjects so dark with several points of view made the show feel entertaining yet pushed us to think and apply some of these lessons into our daily lives. In a way, Cult was a television version of the modern protest by speaking out against bigotry and its counterparts by forcing its viewers to live through the minds of those that we protest in person and in politics. Now that… is amazing television.
The Bad
As does any television show, this season did have its flaws. But in comparison to the other seasons of American Horror Story I really believe this season was close to flawless. I do think at times the show would speed up at times that felt a little forced. For example I feel we could have added just one more episode at the end. Winter was murdered and the idea of the cult being wiretapped was just introduced then suddenly next episode Kai was in prison creating a cult of prisoners? Though I am sure Murphy wanted to make room for the amazing “Nasty Woman” scene, the finale felt way rushed. I would have really liked to see the aftermath right after the arrest of Kai. I was dying to see the FBI find Kai’s “Family Room”. Of course there were several plot holes like who was watching Oz this whole time or the fact that Cher didn’t appear once! Who told me that sick rumor! But really…. this season was spectacular and there were hardly any negatives besides the Cher thing…
This Season in Summation
Every time Sarah Paulson screams, an angel gets his wings. For the last time, I would sacrifice my first born child so that I can attend Cher’s viewing parties with Chaz playing a Trump supporter named Gary. Definitely considering dyeing my hair blue after this season. I would let Billie Lourd be my babysitter any time. Should we send Evan Peters his Emmy now… or wait until next year? Let’s be clear…. just because you watched AHS, does not give you the green light to start walking around in public with clown masks on. Are we going to address the fact that Kathy Bates didn’t appear once? This season was packed with more history than a textbook for dummies. My next costume party is going to be Evan Peters themed… where everyone dresses up as one of the 248 characters Evan played this season. Do you think Hillary Clinton is sitting at home with a glass of chardonnay and watching the Nasty Women scene? Next time you decide to vote for Jill Stein over someone like Hillary Clinton, remember Cult. The answer is yes and she definitely yelled “F*** Yeah” when the bigot was brought down! That awkward moment when you finish American Horror Story and realize that the real-life Kai Anderson is still in the White House.
You were wrong….There is something more dangerous in this world than a humiliated man….
Well everyone, I am sad to say that this is the end of our journey. That is a wrap on American Horror Story Cult. Really this was a genius season and I don’t think I would change a thing. Personally I feel like I learned a lot from this show about the aspect of fear and the state of today’s political climate. Though I didn’t know it at the time, but this season was a genius way to make some sense of this past presidential election and how we have ended up where we are as a society. For that, Ryan Murphy and the cast and crew of this show deserve a ton of applause. What about next season you ask? Well Sarah Paulson talked about it a little recently with Entertainment Weekly, read more here. Thank you to WERRRK.com for hosting my first recap series of American Horror Story. I had so much fun and I will be back next year! Don’t forget every Monday I am currently recapping The Walking Dead and I am happy to announce that next January I will be taking on a new project that I am so excited about…. The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story