Editor’s Note: The interview began in August of 2017, continued over Thanksgiving weekend and finally finished last week. Scheduling conflicts are a bitch but anyway, enjoy my talk with Rosé!
Hi there Rosé! Long time no speak! *Laughs*
Hey girl! *Laughs* It feels like YEARS!
So in the interest of full disclosure for the readers wondering why we have the giggles. This interview started this past summer but we kept having scheduling issues. We are finally ready to this though, right girl?
YES LET’S DO IT BABY! What was the original intro line, again, Chiffon?
Something about enjoying the mild summer and now it’s Thanksgiving weekend. We’re nothing if not…..well, something.
Cue Seasons of Love!
Well any season that has mashed potatoes is a season of love for me quite honestly.
Same girl. We had mashed potatoes, roast tatties, AND cheesy tatties on Thanksgiving. That’s a Scottish Thanksgiving for your nerve! *Laughs*
As much as I’d like to keep talking about it, I don’t think the WERRRK.com Universe is that interested in our carb loading habits so maybe we should talk a little drag right?
Alright, just a little.
So how did you get your start in the world of glitter and foam padding?
Back in June, I entered New York City’s largest drag competition, Lady Liberty, and competed three times, grittily, to eventually (and very luckily) win the title. The victory and its exposure opened many doors, and I’ve been running with alongside that momentum for five months, now.
What motivated you to enter the competition?
I had dreamt of pursuing drag for ages, and was finally pushed to do so by my lover at the time. A beautiful biological lizard queen named Matte Finish, who helped to deconstruct my last slew of giant gender constructs, which were preventing my artistic freedom.
What was holding you back from diving in?
Fear. Fear of compromising my masculinity.
Well based on the performance I saw during DragCon weekend, you clearly got over that!
My Hillary number! You know, it’s NEVER too late for a Hillary number. Honestly, Chiffon, I think I was confused about what masculinity means.
Do I need to get out the shrink couch Rosé? I feel like a session is about to happen.
Do it, Dr. Dior. I am f’d up! In all seriousness though, a couch would be awesome. I’m exhausted.

In some ways, I think drag can be very revealing to a person. What did you learn about yourself when you finally started?
I learned that what I had feared was actually what I desired. I’ve never been happier. I’ve never been more “myself.” Rosé is the Ross my close friends know. Seeing and feeling that she is valuable to many others has given me incredible confidence.
So since we had our first talk, you have teamed up with two more uber-talented young queens, Lagoona Bloo and Jan Sport. How did this trio come about?
Ah, yes. THEM. I assume you are referring to… my bessst fraaaannndddzzz?
Did you say breast friends?
*Laughs* Yes I did. So. When I won Lady Liberty, the producer of the competition, Vincent Cooper, asked me how he could help me produce a show, similar to Jan’s “I AM KRIS.” I asked if he could help me to assemble and be part of a pop-singing trio with Jan and Lagoona. It was my Lady Liberty Wish.
Wait, you get a WISH when you win Lady Liberty? I need to get back into competition shape!
Yeah it’s like Aladdin. There’s a genie and everything. The genie is Marti Gould Cummings! Marti said yes and we were VERY lucky to in fact be such fantastic candidates for mega super close friendship. I could not do anything I do without Lagoona Bloo and Jan Sport. A professional polyamorous relationship! *Laughs*

There is no judgment here at WERRRK.com. Where did the name Stephanie’s Child come from?
After singing together, we immediately lived our full fantasies, comparing our situation to several different girl groups. With three of us, and our love for and skill with tight harmony and melismatic phrases, we focused in on Destiny’s Child. Then, while in the Times Square Applebee’s, alongside Brita Filter eating a Caesar salad, we realized that “Stephanie” loosely rhymes with “Destiny.” We all agreed that it MIGHT be hilarious, and we ran with it.
How did the three of you first meet?
Lady Liberty! Jan was the reigning queen, and Lagoona and I met competing against each other! (She won. I really won, though. Hey Lagoona!).
You’ve already played a very well received show together and have scored Glam Award nominations. What is next for you all?
We want to play internationally, Chiffon.
Like the International House of Pancakes? Girl, I love it there!
Yes, baby. We will be in Jersey Dec. 11th at IHOP in Hackensack!
Well I guess someone at NBC must love them some pancakes and saw Stephanie’s Child at IHOP because you all just appeared on their hit show The Voice! How the heck did that all come about?
Girl. I still cannot believe it happened. The entire experience felt like a dream. Our wonderful friend Nedra Belle was, of course, a contestant on the season (going by her drag king name, “Chris Weaver”). NBC invited Chris back to perform in the season finale, in drag, and he decided to bring us in to sing alongside him. We gratefully jumped at the chance, but at the time had no idea how produced the number would end up being — or that Jessie J would be joining us onstage. We love Nedra, and owe her the world for that opportunity.

Looking back at the video of the performance, how surreal was it?
It happened really quickly. We finished getting ready, were escorted to the stage, got mic’d up, and the music began. BOOM! Or bang, rather. Seeing the playback is definitely surreal, but my adrenaline was so wired that I remember just about everything that happened during the number, in real time.
What was the most unexpected part of your whole experience with network television?
The most unexpected part was how truly incredible the teams working on The Voice were. That show is a well-oiled machine, fueled with extraordinary kindness and hard work. Everybody involved is passionate and extremely happy to be there. I LOVED that.
There was some of the usual homophobic garbage on social media but the majority I saw was overwhelmingly positive. How have your personal reactions been?
I personally LIVE to stir the pot. Clearly, having drag queens perform unannounced on network television was a political risk on NBC’s part (of which we are unbelievably impressed and grateful for), so backlash from the vast, crusty surface of America was to be expected. We actually read a few of our favorite hate comments aloud at the Stephanie’s Child Holiday Show to follow at The Green Room 42 — such a scream! However, the overwhelming love and support from more open-minded people of the Earth has been just gorgeous. We were all shook when RuPaul’s Drag Race shared the performance. Like, what? Mad cool. Heyyyy Ruuu.

So what the heck do you all do for an encore in 2018 after finishing up 2017 on such a high?
We began singing together in August. A great deal has occurred in the five months since, and we plan to work hard in 2018 in hopes to continue to grow in a similar manner. To branch out and perform across the country, or even internationally, is a huge goal and desire for Stephanie’s Child. We are known for our parody and cover work; it would be fantastic to begin performing original music, as well. No need for an encore, so to speak, when the show has just begun!
Perfect segue! Where can everyone see Stephanie’s Child in the coming weeks?
You can catch us monthly at The Green Room 42 and to follow us for more details on Facebook and Instagram at @childofstephanie!
Where can people keep up with you on social media?
Her handle is @rosewithanaccent!
In the meantime, are you ready for…….the lightning round???

Must have makeup item?
Stila Diamond Dust.
4am post drag food craving?
Empanada Mama. ALWAYS.
Best part of drag?
Spreading laughter.
Worst part of drag?
Spreading Gonorrhea.
Most surprising thing about you people might not know?
I am not, in fact, a real woman.
If not for drag, what would you be doing?
Hmmm — I’ll take being fucking miserable trying to fit in for oh, say, 28 years for $1,000,000!
Queen you would pay to see?
Brooke Lynn Hytes.
Guilty pleasure?
Red wine or gin.
Death row last meal?
Last movie to make you cry?
*Laughs* “IT.” I was on a plane and I was having an EMOTIONAL day.
Netflix binge recommendation?
Big Mouth again and again and again.
Last one, most embarrassing song on your phone?
A mix I stole from Lagoona Bloo. It’s terrible!
Well Rosè, we have just about reached end of the road here but congratulations on all your success and I’m sure there are a lot more amazing moments still to come. I know I for one am looking forward to seeing develop. Do you have any final words of wisdom to leave the WERRRK.com universe with?
Final words of wisdom answer: Something I learned this year: the key to HAVING what you want is DOING what you want.