Everyone’s favorite show RuPaul’s Drag Race was back this week with an episode filled with drama, but what’s new. This season has strayed away from the season of friendship season 9 was and you have to admit it’s been fun. This week the girls were guests on the hit new talk show, The Bossy Rossy Show.
The episode kicked back in with a brilliant self promotional mirror message from the eliminated queen, Dusty Ray Bottoms, who wrote, “Never loved ya” (Available now on iTunes!). Fellow New Yorker Monét X. Change was a bit shook that she was the second NYC queen to go home in two weeks. She started to feel the pressure.
Back on the shade couch (it’s not called that, but it should be), Asia O’Hara mentioned how upset she was that she had helped everyone with their outfits but no one offered to lend her a hand, leaving her outfit a bit busted. She felt embarrassed on the main stage. Miz Cracker insisted that everyone gave her credit where it was due and that she came off with a strong front that it didn’t seem like she needed any help. Asia thinks sisterhood should come before the competition, no one really agreed with that sentiment.
It was a new day in the workroom and the girls were greeted by RuPaul, who went on a really lovely rant about just how political drag is and that even in 2018 the rights of LGBT people are under fire. For the mini-challenge, the queens would have to drag up the contents of a military bag. It had to be quick drag. Each queen got to give a funny little talking piece to go along with their outfits. Can we talk about how much Aquaria looked like her drag mother Sharon Needles when she got into quick drag? SO god! I loved that Monet’s service was “risking her left titty to save Honey Mahogany from herself“.
The Vixen won the challenge. She would be in charge of putting the queens into pairs for The Bossy Rossy Show. The queens would be given a scenario but it was all improv, so they had to make their own characters and storyline. The Vixen made Asia her partner, and then paired up Blair St. Clair and Monique Heart, Monet and Kameron Michaels, Miz Cracker and Mayhem Miller, and Eureka O’Hara with Aquaria.
The pairs got together to brainstorm their characters. When they broke off from the group, The Vixen opened up to Asia that she purposely paired up Eureka and Aquaria in attempt to screw them over. If you’ve been watching Untucked, you’d know that Eureka and Aquaria both had pretty wild fall outs with Vixen. Vixen kept the drama going when she and Asia decided for their segment, “why are you so obsessed with me?“, they would base their characters off the Miz Cracker and Aquaria drama.
Monet and Kameron were doing “My freaky addiction”. Monet wanted to redeem herself after falling into the bottom two last week, but she was worried because it was a talk show and her partner Kameron wasn’t much of a talker. Mayhem Miller’s character was deathly afraid of pickles for their segment, but she was struggling to give her character personality. Blair and Monique decided to make a safe word in case one person went a little too hard during the challenge. What was the phrase? None other than the infamous Miss Vanjie. I love that the queens knew the importance the phrase would have long before Twitter got its hands on it!
Time for Bossy Rossy! Ross Matthews was a hilarious host. Up first was Monique and Blair. Blair was in love with a cactus, Lloyd, but Lloyd was cheating on her with Monique. Blair was cute and funny, but she was a bit overshadowed by Monique’s more intense character. Monique pulled off Blair’s wig, leading to Blair yelling “Miss Vanjie”. Instead of letting it get to her, Monique flipped the script on Miss Vanjie. The queens both started yelling it at each other and it was SO good.
Up next was Monet and Kameron. Monet’s strange addiction was that she couldn’t stop eating hip pads. She fumbled a bit and came out with a cake for some reason? That bit never really went anywhere. Kameron’s addiction was huffing tucking panties and she stole the show between the two. She really sold it.
Then came Mayhem and Cracker. Mayhem’s character who was afraid of the pickles was a bit too small. She didn’t really sell just how afraid she was of the pickles. Meanwhile, Cracker decked out in her pickle costume was HILARIOUS as an expert on pickle phobias, Dr. Dill.
Next up was The Vixen and Asia, whose segment was about Asia copying Vixen online for years. They came out in their Aquaria and Cracker inspired looks, but the act fell flat. It didn’t make much sense. They were supposed to do some scootching chair bit but Asia didn’t follow through. It was a bit all over the place.
Aquaria takes pride in being the sexiest baby in her segment with Eureka. She even brags about how she was able to find love as a baby. The gag? Eureka is also a sexy baby and her man left her for Aquaria. They both really sold the characters, but Ross mentioned that Hurricane Eureka stole the show.
It was elimination day and the queens were back in the workroom preparing for the runway. Monet decided to tell Cracker and Aquaria about Vixen and Asia’s play on their drama for the challenge. It seemed like some crazy drama would have broken out, but both queens were surprisingly cool with it. Aquaria did say Vixen was just upset that there were two Aquaria’s who was going to beat her in the competition.
As the queens were getting ready, The Vixen mentioned that she was sick of being safe. She wanted to hear from the judges. Also, maybe Untucked would be more peaceful without her. When asked if she would rather have Aquaria or Eureka go home, she said Eureka. Turns out, her make up station in the workroom is right next to Eureka’s. Mayhem is next to both of them and insisted on helping them bury the hatchet. The two had a good conversation about what their fall out in untucked was about and it seems like they squashed the beef, at least for now!
On the runway, RuPaul was joined on the judge’s panel by Michelle Visage, Carson Kressley, Shania Twain, and Carrie Preston. The theme was denim and diamonds. Asia, Blair, Kameron, and Aquaria were all safe. Here were the critiques for the other queens.
Monet: Michelle found her runway to be a bit of a miss. Her outfit was ill-fitting with a large gap in the crotch. She also commented that the cake bit went nowhere. Her performance fizzled out for Carson. She was bottom two.
The Vixen: The judges loved her look. Michell wishes she would have sinched her waist so they mermaid fit would have looked fuller. She also was told she only played one note in her segment. She mentioned that she gave cues but Asia didn’t follow them, making their part fall flat. She was safe.
Eureka: Carson was a big fan of her outfit and her make up. Shania thought she was amazing at improv. Michelle thought she looked like Pepper from American Horror Story as the baby in the segment, she loved it. She was the winner of this week’s challenge.
Monique: Michelle thought her conflicting patterns were a full out war. Monique thought the print on her dress was that of a brown cow, but it was really a giraffe. Common mistake. The judges thought she formed a strong character with a great performance. She was safe.
Mayhem: Carrie thought she looked adorable. Michelle thought she missed the mark with her look, that it was too juvenile. arson thought she created a great character but wanted her to take it further. She was bottom two.
Miz Cracker: The judges adored her look and her performance, calling it dumbly brilliant. They were impressed by her arsenal of puns. When asked if she had done improv before she said her only experience was lying to her boyfriends. Same, sis. She was safe.
Monét X. Change and Mayhem Miller found themselves in the bottom two. They would lip sync to Shania Twain’s “Man, I Feel Like A Woman“, the perfect song for a drag queen. They were both great. They had the words down and brought their own personalities to it. Mayhem played up the fact that she was wearing a cutesy outfit, while Monet brought her humor to her performance. In the end, Monét was safe, while Mayhem sashayed away.
What did you guys think of this week’s episode? Make sure you sound off in the comments below. Next week the queens will have to make their own panel for RuPaul’s Drag Con. It looks like a good one!