World of Wonder recently debuted their new series, Follow Me. This documentary-style series follows around some of your favorite queens, giving us a glimpse into their daily lives. This series kicked off with the day in the life of Gia Gunn. A catchphrase staple on RuPaul’s Drag Race season six, Gia has evolved from the queen who was fresh off the boat like tilapia. Since the show, she has transitioned and is happily living her life in Los Angeles.
I love that this episode started with Gia’s alarm clock going off. She woke up with perfectly laid hair and I couldn’t have been more jealous. She has a bed frame that has mirrors on the side so the first thing she sees every morning is herself. I respect that. She started her day by getting in face and inviting over her good friend Isis King from America’s Next Top Model cycles 11 and 17. Isis is also a trans woman and the two have a special friendship.
Gia has just moved into a home in Los Angeles, California with fellow season six legend, Laganja Estranja. She gives Isis a quick tour of their home, showing off Laganja’s amazing drag room. Isis asks, “Laganja is the one who does this, right?” mid death drop. Yes, that’s the one.
After her visit with Isis, Gia goes to get her nails done. In the Uber back from the appointment, she encounters a military man driver. Before she got into the deep conversation about trans issues, she first made it clear that she LOVES military bases and wants to visit all of them in hopes of finding a husband. Once she got that out of the way, she asked the driver what gender he thought she was. His response was “ladyboy”. She was patient, explaining that she doesn’t like the word boy to describe her gender and that she fully identifies as a woman. He said he thought she was a woman until she spoke. She asked if he would be okay with his son or daughter transitioning and he was surprisingly cool about it, saying he encourages them to do whatever makes them happy.
She took said Uber to designer extraordinaire Marco Marco‘s showroom. There, she was given a beautiful outfit Marco designed for her to wear that night at infamous West Hollywood club Micky’s for their Monday night drag revue, Showgirls. She shares her encounter with the Uber driver and also shows off her very impressive tucking panties.
Back at her place, she’s prepping for a night of drag at Micky’s. She’s looking for three bracelets in particular for her look that night. Tearing her place apart, she realizes she hasn’t checked one spot. Ah yes, she found them, in Laganja’s drag room. Trust no drag queen.
When she arrives at Micky’s, she’s finishing up her makeup with Morgan McMichaels and Mariah Balenciaga. She asks the girls if they think her drag has changed at all since she transitioned. Mariah said she pads less and Morgan said she shows off more skin, but other than that she is the same queen. Gia stresses how difficult it can be as a transwoman in queer spaces where everyone knows you as a drag queen. Some people are unaware she identifies as a woman and it’s a bit strange. Everyone in the Micky’s dressing room stressed that ANYONE can do drag. Regardless of your gender identity, drag is an art form anyone can partake in. This is an incredibly important conversation. After the heart-to-hearts in the dressing room, we got to see a wonderful montage of incredible drag at Showgirls. If you ever find yourself in the Los Angeles area, you do not want to miss this show.
I think this series will help us get to know some of our favorite drag stars. It’s a very thought provoking look into the lives of drag performers. Be sure to check it out on WOW Presents Plus! Stay tuned for episode two about our favorite sis, Aja!
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