The girls were back for the second episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars and this week was a doozy! The queens had to form
The queens returned to the workroom after the first elimination of the season, our queen Jasmine Masters. Trinity Taylor, having won the challenge and eliminating Jasmine, cleaned off the lipstick message. It was also time for the mandatory “I am so sad I had to eliminate my sister” meltdown that we all know is phony. Even Monet X. Change mentioned it in her confessional. Everyone knows the drill by now, you aren’t actually that sad about it. It’s a competition, girl.
The remaining queens rallied on the coach in the workroom to discuss the previous week’s challenge. Latrice Royale had a great soundbite early on, talking about Monique Heart‘s wig malfunction into the rafters. She has a point, that was the second time Monique lost her wig during a lipsynch. It was also revealed that Monique had Jasmine’s lipstick in her bra, granting Farrah Moan grace on a fumble, in her own words. Queens using a sports reference? I love that for me.
It was a new day in the workroom and upon entering, Valentina revealed her bare ass to the girls. I was ready to turn the show off, but thankfully we were saved by the ooh girl. RuPaul’s message to the girls included a lovely ‘don’t funk it up’ before she entered. She came in and told the queens about the challenge. The queens will be broken up into two super girl groups. Trinity and Monique were team captains and got to pick their girl groups. Trinity’s team consisted of Valentina, Latrice, Manila Luzon, and Gia Gunn, while Monique’s team had Monet, Naomi Smalls, and Farrah. Ru then went on to reveal that Stacy Lane Matthews was going to be collaborating with the girls. She came into the workroom and they played a wonderful montage of Henny’s best moments. Plus, she looked BEAUTIFUL. Yes, we stan.
The teams broke up into their respective groups. Trinity’s team were writing lyrics to the song Don’t Funk It Up and Monique’s team had Everybody Say Love. While they were working on the lyrics, Gia mentioned that Farrah and she had beef earlier in the year. It explains where all that drama came from, since it seemed a bit out of nowhere. Having the background information explained some things.
The queens worked with Leland and Freddy Scott on their songs. Monique’s team went first and was asked who was the best singer. Monique said herself while also throwing a little shade at the music that has come from Drag Race alumni. I mean, she’s not wrong. Monet was up next and apparently, she went to school for opera singing! She rapped most of her verse. Farrah was asked what her experience with singing was and she said she was a phone sex operator in the past so that’s the vibe she went with. Honestly, I loved every second of it.
Trinity’s team was up next. Gia was first to record her verse and it was a bit painful to listen to. Valentina was also terrible to listen to, but it was hilarious. She went for some telenovela storyline with a high pitched scream at the end. Manila was next, one of the most notorious recording queens, and she struggled at first. Latrice’s imitation of her performance was HILARIOUS. That was all she wrote for team Trinity’s recording session.
Then came the choreography practice. Monique’s team went first and I love that she was the only one wearing the wig. But wait, Monet was wearing her sponge crown. This team understands subtle fashion. Stacy was back to practice the choreo with the teams. The dancing was a bit too intense for Farrah, she couldn’t keep up with the routine. She wanted to simplify it, but it didn’t work out.
Trinity’s team met with Stacy on the main stage next. They were a bit of a mess. Everyone was trying to take control, there was no clear leader. Among the mess though, Manila was wearing a skirt and I appreciated that. The queens went straight into the workroom to get ready for the main stage. Gia immediately started stirring the pot, asking about Farrah’s performance trying to find out if she is the weakest link. Monique was sweet, staying she’s fighting for her spot. Gia confronted Farrah, saying she was going to talk to her incase she went home. Well, she was pretty rude about it. Farrah handled the situation well, saying the iconic line “some of us don’t have to force storylines for airtime”. Monique and Namoi stood up for their teammate in a heartwarming moment following the drama.
On the main stage, RuPaul was joined by Michelle Visage, Ross Matthews, Ciara, and Kacey Musgraves on the judge’s panel. We found out that Stacy Lane Matthews is the sister and daughter of Ross Matthews. Trinity’s team was up first. Latrice killed it because of course, she did. There were a few rough patches but overall, they were great. Monique’s team performed next. Monique’s voice was the strongest, while Monet’s verse was SO fun. Farrah struggled, but we knew she would.
After serving glam on the runway, it was time for the judges’ critiques. Valentina, Monet, and Naomi were the top three of the week, while Manila, Monique, and Farrah fell into the bottom three, leaving Latrice, Gia, and Trinity safe. Manila was given high praise from the judges for her look, but felt her performance was small. She ended up being safe. Valentina’s performance was loved by all the judges, as well as her look. Naomi’s lyrics were the judges favorite and her look was well loved too, of course. Monique’s look was praised, but they felt her performance was messy. Monique had a lot of excuses. She was in the bottom two. Farrah’s look was well loved as well, but they felt her performance was white bread. Michelle even said she was the whitest dancer she has ever seen. She too found herself in the bottom. Michelle said Monet was her favorite performance of the night and Ross loved her runway look. The judges love her growth and so do I! Monet and Valentina took home the top two spots of the week.
While the queens went backstage, the judges’ tossed Ross’ salad. The queens celebrated her first challenge win EVER but that quickly faded to Monique wanting to plead her case. She met with Valentina first and she got the impression Monique was making excuses and begging for safety. Monet met with Farrah and gave her a lot of praise before being interrupted by Gia. She apologized for the possibly getting in Farrah and her group’s heads. Trinity even said she would have put Gia in the bottom based off of her attitude. Valentina was put in a sticky situation, having to decide to send home Farrah, who she just mended a relationship. Same went for Monet, who had to decide between sending home Farrah and her season ten sister, Monique.
On the main stage, it was time for Valentina to perform her first lipsynch on the show WITHOUT a mask AND to an Ariana Grande song. Can you believe it? We’ve come full circle. Plus, Monet got to perform for entertainment and not for her life on the main stage for the first time. Wow, a lot of firsts. Valentina actually knew the words and Monet added her signature comedy to her number. Both queens killed it, but I actually loved the other queens reactions the most. Valentina won, and sent her sister Farrah home. *Farrah whine* we will miss you girl.
The queens are back next week to play the first ever Snatch Game of Love! Let us know what you thought of this week’s episode, as well as what the heck you think this new version of Snatch Game will be all about.