Hi Friends,
Happy Holidays! Every year on JOY BOMB with Sister Indica (my super fun underground podcast) I do something fun for Christmas. Last year’s special was so much fun, I had to top it this year…but how? After much deliberation, I decided to do an audio soap opera! I met a lot of really creative and talented people in 2018 so they – along with many favorite JOY BOMB guests – became the cast for the hour-long bitch-fest Blazed All Our Lives: A Deadly Christmas.
If John Waters wrote Dynasty and set it in Twin Peaks, you’d get Blazed All Our Lives!
Rather than have this be a one-time event, I’ve decided to create its own series, so A Deadly Christmas is acting as the annual JOY BOMB Christmas special and the pilot episode of the Blazed All Our Lives series!
“Sister Indica’s media empire is in danger of collapsing due to public outrage so she turns her yearly Christmas soiree into a fundraiser for orphans as a way to sway the public back to her side. However, her nemesis Rosie Bush (with the help of her assistant JoAnn Michaels) is determined to make this Sister Indica’s LAST Christmas. Will Sister Indica survive to ring in the New Year?”
Sister Indica
Rosie Bush
JoAnn Michaels
Pandora DeStrange
Sister BangBang Ladesh as The Narrator
Father Grizzly Madams as Seymour Bush
Sarah Biggart as Lily Banks
YoYo Blackfire as Biff Barrington
Dixon DuMay as Giovanni Valducci
Chris Ashton as Dr. Victor Banks
Tara Dactyl as Dr. Rocky Hernandez
Fredy Ralda as Lorenzo Vera
Sister Kristian D’Aura as Tiffani Fontaine
Kadee Christian Starr as Bianca Wolf
Big Mel as Vivian Vandelay
Carnita K Asada as Bruno Costa
Your Homegurl for Life™,
Sister Indica
Find JOY BOMB with Sister Indica & Blazed All Our Lives TOGETHER on iTunes, Spotify, PodOMatic, GooglePlay, YouTube, Werrrk.com and on the mothership of ALL things Sister Indica, SisterIndica.com.