No point in beating around the bush, this episode had maybe the best lip sync in RuPaul’s Drag Race herstory! It was also Snatch Game, but this time with a twist. Here’s how’s this week’s incredibly fun episode went down.
After the elimination of Ra’Jah O’Hara, the workroom was instantly a war zone. Silky Nutmeg Ganache was clearly shook by Yvie Oddly and Brooke Lynn Hytes criticizing her look. Vanessa ‘Vanjie’ Mateo was also upset with Yvie for comments made too. After last week’s Untucked, of course there was tension early on!
Thankfully, it was a new day in the work room. Same old Silky attitude, though. RuPaul broke the awkward silence without an ‘ooh girl’, just waltzed right in! Don’t forget to download or purchase her new book, Guru. In the spirit of her new book, the queens had to get in quick drag and make their own self-help book. I don’t think I want any of these queens to give me life advice, but werrrk. The best part was easily Miss Vanjie having to look at her cheat sheet to say her own name. Of course she forgot her own name. Somehow, Silky took home the win. I don’t know how Vanjie lost that one.
Then, we got a surprise visit from the hardest working queen in the business, Morgan McMichaels! For whatever reason they tried to convince us she worked for Postmates. There was no reason for that, but I will not complain about having Morgan on my TV. RuPaul then drops the bomb that the queens are playing Snatch Game at sea. At sea?? Okay, werrrk.
Nina West came ready for Snatch Game, while Brooke Lynn was stressed out about doing celebrity impersonation. When she said she was going to do Celine Dion, Vanjie asked if that was her final answer. I’m sure she wishes she could go back in time and change that answer. Then, Jinkx Monsoon came in! Who better to help the girls with Snatch Game, since she had one of the best on season 5! We all know the one piece of advice the queens need at the end of the day… MAKE RU LAUGH.
Clea DuVall and Tony Hale were the contestants to hit the sea with the queens and play Snatch Game! The panel consisted of Silky as TS Madison, Nina as Harvey Fierstein, Plastique Tiara as Lovely Mimi, Yvie as Whoppi Goldberg, Shuga Cain as Charo, Vanjie as Danielle Bergoli, A’Keria Davenport as Tiffany Haddish, and Brooke as Celine. I loved Vanjie messing with Tony, like Shuga said, he was clearly afraid of her and honestly, so am I. Nina pulled out two characters, switching to Joann Worley, which was just as hilarious as her Harvey impersonation. Silky as TS Madison was funny, but felt like she was playing herself. I thought Shuga as Charo was funny as well. Yvie and Brooke really struggled, you could tell very early on that they were probably going to have to lips sync.
Back in the workroom, Brooke opened up to Nina about how disappointed she was in her performance, while Yvie tried to extend an olive branch to Silky. Yvie gave a heartfelt apology for calling her talented and complimented her Snatch Game performance and Silky was not receptive. On the other hand, Yvie and Vanjie had a nice moment and squashed the beef. We love a happy ending, don’t we girls?
It was time for the queens to hit the runway, but first we got to see RU’S LEGS! Always so exciting. Michelle Visage, Ross Matthews, Clea DuVall, and Tony Hale aided Ru for the judging. Category is… sequence on the runway. Where is Roxxxy Andrews? Some looks I really loved this week were Shuga and Nina. But there was nothing that could even compare to that reveal Brooke did. Can you even believe it? I think the whole world gagged. A’Keria and Plastique were the only safe queens this week, with everyone else falling within the top or bottom. Vanjie got read for filth and also didn’t know who Meryl Streep was, so that was fun. Nina got all kinds of praise and so did Shuga. Ru even said it was one of her favorite dresses to come down the runway! Brooke got lots of praise for her look but nothing kind was said about her performance. Yvie was told she had two different looks on the top and bottom, as well as negative critiques for her performance. Silky got high praise on everything, it was obvious she was going to get the win.
So Brooke and Yvie fall in the bottom two, giving us the greatest gift of all time. There are really no words for this, but Ru summarized it perfectly with her “WHAT?!”. Of course, they both got to stay. Anything else would have been an injustice. Just like the song said, Sorry Not Sorry. Thanks, Demi Lovato.
PLEASE sound off in the comments below about how incredible that performance was. Those are the only comments allowed. I’ll see you next week!