WERRRK.com has proudly partnered up with the Austin International Drag Festival this year and we have been given the privilege of announcing this year’s headliners first! We are so excited about being a part of this amazing event this year and we cannot wait to bring you all the fabulous drag artists that are going to be headlining this year!
We are very excited to announce that Papi Churro will be headlining the Austin International Drag Festival this year! (Get your tickets here and join us in Austin this fall!)
Congratulations on being named a headliner Papi! How did you get involved with the Austin International Drag Festival and what does this opportunity mean to you?
I was involved in the very beginning. I volunteered as a Stage Manager and performed as Jinxy Deviate. It was the first time I had been exposed to Drag Kings face to face. It influenced me to pursing my drag. I’ve made countless soul family connections. People I only watched online are now my bestest friends and I visited them frequently. It was the first time I felt Drag Kings and Non Binary Performers viewed as equals. I’ve been at every festival ever since.
For those people living under a rock, can you tell us a little bit about you and your drag?
I’ve been a Drag King for over 4 years now. I’m 41 years old born in San Antonio, raised in San Antonio, Houston and San Diego, California. I’m a Co-Producer for the Boiz of Austin, Joterias and Toybox atx. I am also a cast member for Die Felicia and recently founded Bizarre Stripper Burlesque, Austin’s Premiere TransBurlesque troupe! I identify as Two Spirit through my Native heritage. My drag style is about honoring my ancestors with my performances to bring social awareness and representation.
We can’t wait to see what you’re planning on bringing to the stage in Austin! Can you give the WERRRK .com universe a little tease of what’s to come this fall in Texas?
Recently I had some anti-LGBTQ, racist and religious extreme groups harass me for reading to children. They said some pretty vile things about me and I’ve been really petty about it ever since. I made an act to show my strength, that I won’t be bullied and I hope it inspires people to not allow groups like these to silence their existence. Our existence is Resistance!