Forgive me for this late recap, monsters. I’ve had some weird virus that has prevented me from doing anything. In my defense, Amazon did get this one up a little late. Anyway, here’s how episode six of the Boulet Brothers Dragula went down.
After Hollow Eve’s extermination, only six monsters remain. All of the safe competitors were shook Evah Destruction found herself in the elimination. They were all pretty confident she would come out on top in the challenge, except Priscilla Chambers who thought Hollow would be the winner. Landon Cider had some very kind words for Hollow and their impact on the show. It was a heartwarming moment!
Then the siren sounded and everyone were called to the main stage. This week’s look was surgery and hospital themed. Alternative Press would be at the real life haunted hospital to take photos of the monsters in their medical inspired looks. The winner would get their own photo spread in AP Magazine. Back in the work room, the monsters read over the the Boulet Brothers spread in AP Magazine. The stories really touched them, especially Louisianna Purchase and Priscilla, who were both disowned by their parents for being gay. Louisianna opened up about how drag saved her life when her family didn’t support her. Dollya Black also spoke on how her parents were not supportive at first but now attend her shows.
Everyone began to prep their looks. Landon Cider’s look was inspired by her own experience spending time in hospitals, while Priscilla was inspired by mad cow disease with a baby involved? That’s it, those are the two genders: hospitals and mad cow disease featuring a baby.
It was time for the floor show! Joining the Boulets on the judges panel were Hereditary actress Milly Shapiro and Alternative Press journalist Paige Owens. My favorite looks of the evening were definitely Landon and Louisianna. I loved Louisianna’s pin up nurse look and Landon’s attention to detail was insane! Everyone’s looks were great, though, and the competition is certainly getting stiff!
With the contestants dwindling, you’re either safe or in the bottom. Landon got the highest praise, so, it was clear he would get the much deserved win. Louisianna, Dollya, and Evah were safe, while Priscilla and Maddelynn Hatter fell into the bottom. Maddelynn’s look confused the judges and fell flat, while Priscilla’s concept impressed but the execution was rough.
Priscilla and Maddelynn were then challenged with a real life game of Operation. They would be removing body parts from a cadaver and would get shocked if they didn’t get them out smoothly. Nothing on this show surprises me anymore. Maddelynn took the shocks really well. I was surprised by her strength, especially after seeing how Priscilla was screaming! It was impressive. I loved when Priscilla asked if she could just lipsync for her life! She’s right, they really have it easy on that other show.
In the end, Maddelynn Hatter was exterminated. She is a favorite and will be greatly missed on the show! What did you all think of the episode? Sound off in the comments below!