RuPaul’s Drag Race UK: Week 6 Rucap by Kirsty Bright
We’ve said goodbye to Crystal and just five queens have been whittled down competing to be the first winner of Rupaul’s Drag Race UK. Firstly, who else has ‘Break Up Bye Bye’ in their heads, still playing full blast? It has gone onto storm the UK charts with the highest entry at number two, do not mess with the power of drag fans! A mini UK Frock Destroyer tour is coming this November, and a petition for them to perform at Eurovision has also been circulating…..
From the get go, this is certainly being set up for Divina vs The Vivienne. Divina had strong words about her long list of achievements and talents. Divina is right as it appears she may be viewed as the older underdog queen who isn’t ‘down’ with the kids and yet she choreographed and proved Frock Destroyers success! The girls’ reactions to the slanging match between the two was priceless! We were all Baga, Cheryl and Blu watching what was unfolding…..Medic!
For me, what I am loving, is Rupaul actually giving advice through the walkthroughs this season and encouraging words instead of just cracking jokes. Although hearing him say ‘Hello Babes’ was everything.
One of my favourite challenges has returned to this week’s episode, the queens are challenged to create a marketing strategy for their brand via bottled water. Some of my fave Drag Race episodes have come from branding, Season fives perfume (Jinkx Monsoon‘s Delusion and Alaska’s Red For Filth), All Stars two and Katya’s hilarious Kontrol Krisis spray commercial pure comedy gold.
Speaking of everyone’s favourite Russian, Katya is the special guest who without a doubt has created a memorable brand! Alongside business partner and friend Trixie Mattel , together they’ve produced a strong brand including successes with their Youtube Series UNHHH, The Trixie and Katya Show, tours, merch and their upcoming book “A Guide to Womanhood.”
Guest Judge of the week is pop princess Cheryl of girlband fame Girls Aloud. Of course this is Cheryl Hole’s idol and getting the opportunity to see her and be in front of her was a high point for journey on Drag Race. Seeing her face light up when she found out Cheryl’s guest judge warmed my little heart, I think we have all been in a position where we’ve met or worked with our inspirations.
Line of the week: “Baga with a brownie badge”
After the challenging and distressing mini challenge Divina wins a ‘call’ with Katya. I loved the little chat between them both but when the phone cut out, Katya fans across the world thought she just couldn’t use the phone. But with one “ ‘Ello guvnor”, Katya surprises Divna with a real life one on one! Offering up great advice, Katya showed her incredible intelligence and I think we can all take onboard in work and personal life to boost our confidence.
The filming has begun and seeing each queen with their ideas was interesting to how it all came together. Of course Divina was set up to look like her’s would be a hot mess. Once again Baga’s idea was camp and heightened in British culture and humour!
Runway theme this week ‘Rainy Day Eleganza’. For anyone who has or will visit the UK, chances are you will see rain for at least 50% of the trip. It feels like it rains about 350 days out of the year so we aren’t very familiar with the sun over here. Each look was so varied in concept. I loved Blu’s sad unicorn/candy floss get up! I would 100% wear that outfit and wig!
I think it’s very clear that Baga has highlighted just how different Drag Race is across the pond. It’s shabby put together and wouldn’t be seen dead on Drag Race USA! It’s reminiscent of what a lot of peoples mums/aunts would wear to a glamorous Christmas party. What can be deemed polished over here, ie The Vivenne, Cheryl and Divina, may not translate as that had it be Drag Race USA. Although earlier classic seasons of Drag Race were similar in regards to outfits, characters and concepts during what’s deemed the golden era of Drag Race.
These adverts must be totally lost on our friends across the pond. A lot of British slang and culture was used. In the U.K. a fish supper is traditionally had on a Friday, down the chippy aka fish and chip shop.
This week’s win should have gone to Divina asher advert had so many layers and a story to it. The Vivienne essentially did just play herself, although it was a funny skit with the stereotypical Scouse lady, leading The Vivenne to win her fourth Rupeter badge of the competition and rounding off the dramatic storyline with Divina in a win. Vivenne looks set to be a frontrunner for the crown this season. The bottom two was a shock with Baga not ending up in a Lip Sync For Your Life! I think her outfit should of seen her lip sync but her personality has won Ru over for sure.
There was a dramatic Untucked with Baga feeling she was in the bottom two, then declaring she doesn’t know the words. The cracks are starting to show on the girls from the pressure now!
For me was the saddest Lip Sync, as I love Blu and Cheryl! Both for me have the look, personality and all-round package. The lip sync was the best of the competition yet, having seen Cheryl perform a few times before in person, it was so good to see her shine. I did slightly think this week would be the perfect time to lipsync in front of her hero with one of her own songs…. but I’m not speculating on narratives! It was time to say farewell to beloved Blu and I was sad to see her go but she’s incredibly popular and well loved! We can’t wait to see what she does in the future!
So our top four is official and the next episode is the family makeover, which I love as it’s so gorge seeing specula family members reunited! Don’t forget to let us know your thoughts and feelings on this week’s episode, who do you want to win? And of course, Rupaul’s Drag Race UK has been given the go ahead for season two, applicants are open to 15th November…..just one whole week! What British queens would you love to see next season? Let us know in the comments below!