I’m not entirely sure what happened at DC Comics on the 22nd of August, but apparently they just decided to spill all the beans, tea, and CGI…because they basically flooded the internet with tons of footage and news at the DC Fandome. Sure, it could just be a huge distractions from all the layoffs by Warner Bros to DC Comics, but let’s just skip past that like they want us to!
DC Comics, specifically it’s cinematic universe basically begged us to sign up for it’s OnlyFans with all the little teasers it dropped anywhere from a day to seemingly mere hours ago.
To start things off, as Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” plays, the trailer for Zack Snyder’s cut of “Justice League” is revealed. As the song plays in the background, we spend the next two and half minutes just seeing this beautiful, well…Snyder Trailer.
I still have not seen the theatrical version so I have no real basis of comparison, just the trailers initially did little for me. This definitely has my interest piqued, and I typically enjoy when Zack Snyder just gets to unleash his visions for us to enjoy. I couldn’t tell you any of the differences or how it should be better, but I’m pretty sure I’ll give this version a shot.
How do you think this trailer looks, and we’re not done…keep scrolling to see what else dropped at DC Fandome!
Speaking of Justice League, one of the best members of any squad ever, Wonder Woman 1984 drops a new trailer and it looks unreal. The remind us Diana is an Amazon, and they remind us she was a little girl once. I’m not entirely sure why we need to go back to that, but, I’m sure they have their reasons.
Diana seems to be fully settled into her Wonder Woman persona/personality, swinging from lightning bolts with the help of her trusty Lasso of Truth, kicking general ass, and we see the return of Chris Pine behind the controls of an aircraft (who seemingly doesn’t know what radar is but apparently doesn’t need an explanation?).
In this trailer we get more look of Kristen Wiig as Cheetah, it’s not a ton of look in what seems to be a final-ish look based on how its filmed and the darkness, but, it’s interesting…I just have such a hard time seeing Wiig in this kind of role, I always feel like on how she emotes that she is always seconds away from dropping a punchline.
I digress, I look forward to the fight(s) between Diana and Cheetah as the movie plays out. So far it’s looking like another fun action flick, so l’ll keep my fingers crossed. What do you think? I keep watching just to watch her swing through the storms. Once you’re done surfing electricity, keep scrolling because DC Fandome has even more for us!
Then, in a list that is just too big to fit into this, James Gunn gave us a Suicide Squad Pseudo-Roll Call of villains. Quite a beefy lineup, and after I started looking into things more, it is unreal the roster that is lined up. A lot of heavy hitters, but if anyone can bring it all together it is James Gunn. Apparently John Cena is in these clips but I can’t see him
Check it out below…but keep scrolling because somehow we STILL are not done!
So there I was sitting on the couch, watching wrestling and out of nowhere my feeds just start blowing up. Turns out The Batman decided to show up to the DC Fandome party as well. Not sure what to expect and not really reading anything that was popping up, I went straight to the trailer.

We get our first really good look at Robert Pattinson as not only Bruce Wayne, but Batman as well. I really don’t want to spoil anything and I am sure many of you have seen this trailer by now, but I feel like it truly is one of those first looks where a lot of people are deciding if they are down with this iteration or not.
We get several small glimpses, and we also get to see Batman do work. Like I said, this trailer is either going to get you excited or go “Whaaaaaaat”, because apparently that’s what we do now. Also, it’s okay to change your mind and opinion on casting and things, you’re not stuck. Also, Pattinson is The Batman right now, deal with it.

So let me know what you think of what looks to be one of the darkest Knights yet, and DC really threw a lot out on the table for us to enjoy and digest at DC Fandome. Too much at once or does it get you excited? DC dropped a couple other bits and pieces as well, but I will leave those for you to find!