‘Bing Bang Bong, U K Hun’ are we all still clapping for the UK Hun? The Ruruvison episode not only took over social media, caused a scene over that outburst but it overtook the Itunes charts. U K Hun by the United Kingdolls entered at number four on the Top 40 UK charts the drag race fandom has spoken, all we want now is a Frock Destroyer X United Kingdoll tour!
So let’s release the beast Bimini, we once again said goodbye to Joe Black (boo) leaving on a wave of support from the fandom. Tia hesitantly declares herself an early lip sync assassin, a mixed reaction is greeted by the queens. Poor Tia she’s truly on a rollercoaster journey, emotions are high amongst those who can do better, who has more badges and the stats are coming in thick and fast!
It’s that time of the competition and a lot of people’s favorite…. Snatch Game! In the words of Trixie Mattel, if I may be controversial yet brave, I find the Snatch Game really cringe, when it’s right it’s right but when it’s bad, it’s got me going oh god, why is this a challenge? Out of all the Snatch Games, only two episodes have made me laugh and those belong to season six and All-Stars season two. Alaska and Katya dominated that Snatch Game, and a shout out to Alyssa Edwards as Joan Crawford!
The one positive thing about the UK Snatch Game is I know who the characters are, whereas on our US cousin, I know 3 characters max, so it’s hard to tell if it’s supposed to be funny, bad, or just plain bad. I know the aim is to make it fun and make Ru laugh, but maybe my mind will be changed this season!
Ru does socially distanced prep talks to the queens who explain their character choices, as usual, we see some queens doubt their characters and Tia changing from Shirley Bassey to Mel B of Spice Girl fame. Most of the queens are confident and determined to show how funny they
can make their characters, Awhora and Ellie have a little emotional moment with Ru. All queens have gone through a tough time, filming halting due to the pandemic, then back into the competition dealing with heightened emotions in a tense and tough competition is to have anyone boiling with tears.
It’s time to play the Snatch Game, this season’s guests are Michelle Visage and Gemma Collins -the GC, who Cheryl Hole played last season. Both guests flowed and interacted well, innuendo-filled as usual. We even get special guest appearances from Donald Trump and Margaret Thatcher aka The Vivienne and Baga Chipz from season one who dominated last season’s snatch game.
We have quite a range of personalities for snatch game this season. From the go, we can kind of see how it’s playing out in terms of who flails behind the others which are Tia and Lawrence. Bimini, Awhora, Tayce, and Ellie do accurate portrayals of their characters pretty much spot on and made everyone laugh!
My stand out for me is 100% Bimini as Katie Price, she embodied the diva, the voice, the tone, the outfit, and more importantly made me laugh! “‘The eyes are the nipples of the face”. I would say this Snatch Game I enjoyed and I only cringed a small part so progress was made!
The after-effects in the werkroom always see the queens overthink and doubt their performances which we see with Tia and Lawrence. As Lawerence mentioned comedy queens tend to put more pressure on themselves for snatch games and tend to bomb, I hate to mention All-Stars 3, but everyone was buzzed to watch Trixie who was anticipated to do…. well-winner, winner….. Chicken dinner. Even queens who are on top succeeding with four Rupeter wins get in their head and a reminder that even the best self-doubt, once you’re in your head that’s it, it’s a really difficult place to leave.
Tia truly is an uplifting spirit reminding Lawrence how well she’s done to this point, we also see Tayce and Ellie have a little heart to heart, Ellie has kind of been in the shadows through the competition, but this episode has given us ‘vulnerability; as the judges love to say. Hearing her relationship with her dad be a tough one leading her to be outed is so horrible to hear, I think it’s a reminder of just how many stories there are to be told of drag queens, LGBTQ member and that these are real people competing, and we need to support and uplift the community.
The runway theme was Preherstoic and this runway was a mixed bag for sure. Bimini broke the mold and thought outside the box as a bacteria. The look again was couture and this runway wouldn’t look out of place in a high-end magazine. Bimini really has the whole package for me along with their constant education and PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) for me they deserve to be in the final.
For me, the top two were Bimini and Tayce, Tayce shone on that runway from head to toe it was conceptual, nails miles long, and just looked so gorgeous, and sold the garment strutting that runway.
We see Bimini deservedly win the challenge and awarded their second Rupeter badge, Tia finds herself in the bottom two for the third time, as mentioned at the start of the episode -lipsynch assassin? We’re about to find out, Scottish sweetheart Lawrence Chaney lands in the bottom which is a shock, but the snatch game was questionable wasn’t it?
This season has thrown so many shocks and twists so as we approach the lip-sync all logic goes out the window. This week’s song is Touch Me by Cathy Dennis, an unfamiliar number to me but it’s a fun dance number, with both queens delivering some fun arm choreography along with humor. I would say it’s a tough one to call but Ru is living her best life throughout the lipsync! We say a sad goodbye to Tia, who left on such a fun note, asking if Ru was sure. Ordering a coffee to go, we say goodbye to Tia a fantastic queen!
So we’re another week done and dusted, we have our final six and a step closer to the final. It was somewhat of a quieter episode, if not a little emotional, but it was a nice break from the last two rollercoaster episodes, and I actually enjoyed this season’s Snatch Game! Who’s standing out for you, who are we rooting to win? Let us know your thoughts and feelings below!
New episodes of Drag Race UK will debut on the BBC Three iPlayer at 7:00 p.m. BST in the United Kingdom and at 11am PT / 2pm ET, exclusively on WOW Presents Plus in the US and select territories worldwide.