We are now down to our final four, can you believe it? This season has flown by and has brought us so many iconic moments. Speaking of icons we said goodbye to Awhora, as Tayce has become the lipsync assassin, sending home her third girl of this season.
The discussion of Ellie and Lawrence’s situation last week is still flickering away, Lawerence is still going on about Ellie playing the game regarding the lineup. You kind of get bored hearing it, he’s clearly in his head at this point, having been on top Bimini has crept up behind and now ahead with the most badge wins. It’s still anyone’s game on who can make the top three for next week’s finale, moving swiftly on to this week’s mini-challenge and it’s a season favorite…..the puppet makeover challenge and why? Because “Everybody loves puppets!”
The queens pull out their puppet one by one, Bimini gets Lawrence, Tayce with Bimini, Ellie with Tayce, and Lawrence with surprise surprise Ellie….not set up at all, it’s pure coincidence! They get 20 mins to drag up their puppets, and they all look pretty accurately glitzed up. Bimini nails Lawrence, Tayce is hilarious with Bimini, and Ellie attempts Tayce’s accent although a tad chaotic, Lawrence however isn’t funny and comes across as more mean than anything. This week’s winner is Bimini who assigns this week’s maxi challenge roles to the queens.
Maxi challenge assignment is acting in the soap opera, Beastenders. Now the UK loves a good soap, we’ve all grown up with some of the most iconic characters and one-liners in TV history. Eastenders in particular is a firm favorite for its drama, comedy, campiness, and iconic storylines. Everyone actually wanted the characters assigned, no arguments, they all grabbed their ideal role. The siren sounds and the queens get a mini acting masterclass from Eastenders very own icon Natalie Cassidy, who has been on the show since the age of 10! Natalie provides really good tips on how to channel their emotions in varied ways, a fun addition to kick start the challenge, the queens will appear in The Kween Dick Aka The Queen Vic in Eastender!
Bimini shines as Skat Slater, ramping up the trashy barmaid excellently, Lawrence falters on his lines constantly, for our friends across the pond who might be a bit lost on the characters they’re replicating from the show, look them up it’s so spot on and the show is so British for those who love an east end accent this show is for you. I’m sure social media will be ablaze with memes and references as per usual.
Back in the werkoom and Bimini finds envelopes addressed to each queen, and in a very heartwarming moment, the envelopes contain letters from home. We British have a stiff upper lip, but even I found this moment so lovely. Each queen’s mum’s letter was so fun and loving, most importantly each letter was full of so much love and support for the queens. This is not only fab for us the viewer to see, but those who watch with their parents and can bond over these experiences.
The category this week is pantomime dame realness, now over here we LOVE a pantomime, it’s a family Christmas occasion. It’s so camp, clad in innuendos for the adults and fun involvement for the children, every Christmas we all descend to the theatre to watch a performance of an old fairytale/story such as Cinderella, Jack in the beanstalk, etc unfortunately last year the tradition was broken with no performances due to our enemy covid. So it was fun to see on the runway, Lawrence and Bimini went the old traditional pantomime dame with bloomers and the famous audience participation of ‘It’s behind you’ Tayce takes the fairy godmother approach and shines like a star as per usual. Ellie was a traditional prince charming/dame. I loved how regal it looked!
We have no guest judge, just a stuffed Danny Dyer who played the famous landlord/gangster in Eastenders, not sure why this is a thing if I’m honest. It’s time to watch Beastenders and it provided some iconic one-liners, scenes, and acting debuts. A fantastic challenge and this week really is the most British episode of the season with pantomime and soap operas! This has been one of my favorite acting challenges, maybe because the references were really funny and everyone acted really well. As the judges say this is the toughest to judge out of any acting challenges, it’s definitely coming down to statistics and how everyone fared in the competition so far.
Bimini wins her fourth Ru-peter badge and is through to the final, I’m rooting for her. I think she’s got the whole package for a winner. Not really bottom three as there are only four in the competition, Ellie and Tayce are in the bottom, really shocked to see Tayce lip syncing again, perhaps Ru just loves to see her perform? Ellie is in the bottom two for the first time, so we haven’t seen her lip sync so it’s exciting to see what she’ll deliver, will stats be taken into consideration?
If seeing soap operas and pantomimes tonight wasn’t enough, the lip sync song is ‘Last thing on my mind’ by the most iconic, campiest, and my fave band growing up as a kid…and let’s face it all of us today still Steps! Steps are the embodiment of camp music, dance routines we all learned as kids gay and can make any party/club night experience 1000% better. Their newest single features our very own judge Michelle Visage, if you haven’t already checked it out, SO good! Anyway back to the lip sync, and boy once again Tayce provides everything, but Ellie does some tricks and both of them together worked every inch of that stage. Another tough one, and a double save for me!
And this week…. I get my wish and get the double save! *Confetti pop* we’ve got a final four! A really strong final four, each have a good track record, all creative strong queens, and I for one cannot wait for next week’s episode it looks set to be one for the herstory books!
We have our top four, who are we rooting for? Are you team #lawrencechaney, #elliediamond #tayce, or #biminibonboulash. Personally, I want Bimini for the wimini! Let us know your thoughts and feelings below!
New episodes of Drag Race UK will debut on the BBC Three iPlayer at 7:00 p.m. BST in the United Kingdom and at 11am PT / 2pm ET, exclusively on WOW Presents Plus in the US and select territories worldwide.