There is no franchise quite like RuPaul’s Drag Race franchise. RuPaul and crew churn out new seasons like it’s nothing! Quickly after season 13 ended, All-Stars 6 premiered on Paramount+. We got not one but two episodes on opening day and we are not complaining! Here’s how the season kicked off.
In case you need a reminder, this season’s cast consists of A’Keira C Davenport, Jiggly Caliente, Jan, Ra’Jah O’Hara, Ginger Minj, Yara Sofia, Silky Nutmeg Ganache, Pandora Boxx, Scarlet Envy, Serena Cha Cha, Sonique, Trinity K. Bonet, and Eureka. This is the biggest cast in the history of All-Stars and everyone brought their A-game. The entrance looks were strong but I think Sonique was my favorite. Plus, her tag line was amazing.
For some reason, Miss Piggy was there for the mini challenge. She opened up the library for the mini-challenge. Good for her, I guess. We got a reading challenge episode one, which was fun. However, the best part was not the reads but the view of Miss Piggy reacting in the background.
As to be expected for the first episode, challenge one was the variety talent show. They should have called it the lip-syncing to your own song show. Aside from Ra’Jah who made a dress in 60 seconds, Trinity who did comedy, and Scarlet who did burlesque, everyone did pretty much the same thing. No one was bad, but it was a bit predictable.
Let’s refresh on these insane All-Stars rules. Ru will pick a winner, that winner will nominate a queen she thinks should go home. The rest of the queens will then nominate a queen to go home via lipstick votes. The winner of the challenge will lip-sync against a lip-sync assassin. If the contestant wins, her pick will sashay away. If the assassin wins, the safe queen’s vote will go home. Does that make sense? I don’t even know anymore.
Yara Sofia was the winner of episode one while Trinity and Serena found themselves in the bottom two. Yara faced off against Coco Montrese to Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars for some reason. Coco won, meaning the bottom queen selected by the rest of the cast was sashaying away. That queen was Serena.
Alright, on to episode two. Back in the workroom, the queens revealed they all voted for Serena to go home. However, Yara picked Trinity. Thankfully, Trinity didn’t seem to care so we avoided some drama.
It was a new day in the workroom and Ru shared that the challenge this week was a ball! Not just any ball, a blue ball. Everyone would serve three looks: blue betta work, blue jean baby, and blue ball bonanza. Only the final look would have to be handmade. Remember when they used to make them handcraft three looks? Those were the days that were probably illegal.
Some of these queens have wild pasts when it comes to constructing outfits. The most infamous in this group is miss Jiggly. Her looks were maybe the worst during season four. She was feeling the pressure. Meanwhile, both Trinity and Eureka planned to do… crossing guard inspired looks? Did I hear that properly? While everyone was busy constructing their outfits, Yara was having the time of her life in the workroom. Maybe she was a bit overconfident?
It was time for the queens to showcase their looks on the main stage in front of Ru, Michelle Visage, Carson Kressley, and Big Freedia. There were a lot of strong looks, but a few fell flat. I loved A’Keria’s blue-collar look, Pandora and Trinity’s blue jean baby looks, and Ra’Jah and Sonique’s blue bonanza looks. In the end, Ra’jah was the top all-star of the week while Yara and Jiggly were the bottom two.
Backstage, both Jiggly and Yara were emotional. The queens who had to vote to eliminate them were conflicted. It was a toss-up! The decision came down to Ra’jah and Brooke Lynn Hytes! The season 11 sisters performed to Miss You Much by Janet Jackson. It was a great lip sync! It was so good that they tied! That means we could have a double elimination! However, both Ra’jah and the rest of the queens voted for Jiggly to get the chop.
Wow, what a wild first two episodes. What did you all think of the new season? Sound off in the comments below!