It’s that time of year again, the time of year when the entertainment world really starts wanting your money again. With a strong showing in Venom 2 over the past few weeks, it appears that fans aren’t done with our super heroes and villains, nor are they done with that theatre experience. DC is banking hard on not only box office receipts, but now really diving more into streaming and gaming platforms, where they already have a solid presence. This past weekend, they unveiled their newest edition of DC Fandome and promoted basically all the projects they have in the pipeline for film, television, video games and more! Check out the trailers below, and see how DC seems to be willing to do a lot to put asses in seats again!
It’s been a long time coming. For years we’ve heard rumors and many wanted Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to step into the role of Black Adam, probably no one wanting it more than Rock himself. Surrounded by a stellar cast, and with Doctor Fate coming to life through Pierce Brosnan, this one could be a big hit for DC. In this quick teaser, we get a glimpse of what Black Adam is capable of, and it looks like it’s about to be a very bad day for a lot of people, albeit great for the fans of the DC Universe, and hopefully it helps pave the way for more of the less-hyped powerhouses in the DC roster of heroes and villains!
Ezra Miller begins by appearing like he doesn’t want to be here and is contractually obligated. After an awkward intro, we get a quick teaser. For a superhero that is based primarily around his ability to run fast as fuck, this trailer did a poor job of conveying that at all. If you don’t have time to watch and aren’t familiar with Flash here’s what this trailer tells you: Kid flips switch, gets a cool suit, did something in the past and future, oh shit is that Batman? Maybe he gets faster later? The only thing quicker than The Flash at this moment is how quick my interest in this film plummeted.
A solid opening, as we quickly get a Riddler tease we start seeing glimpses of The Batman. I wasn’t sure what to think about this project. We have so many Batman iterations now, but after watching what is going on here, I am all in. The Batman is just wrecking shit, and I love the quick glimpse in the jail with who I am guessing is The Riddler himself…you can see he’s clearly under The Batman’s skin. I’m beyond excited to see how the rest of this pretty stacked cast bring this iteration to life this spring. I need more of this just-done-with-it-all Batman.
Shazam returns to the screen after what I think is safe to say was a sleeper hit. A different look into the DC Realm for most, and a fun ride for many. As this sequel starts teasing us, we see a lot of expanse into the universe and several mega stars coming to the screen to add to the mix and probably throw a few punches along the way. If this retains the heart and feel of the first, it has no choice but to be a big hit.
As we learn quickly, it has been four years since Aquaman has taken that plunge, the first was far more origin story and I felt it held the original back considerably. The box office was glorious, but, it just wasn’t a great movie for me when it easily could have been. I am extremely hopefully they expand what we have seen in the past in regards to their underwater realms, and just really deliver a mega hit for Jason Mamoa next December.
In a performance probably no one saw coming, John Cena absolutely crushed it in The Suicide Squad as Peacemaker. Cena’s Peacemaker proved to be a bit of a dick, but damn good, maybe the best at what he does, skilled with every weapon but his tongue. We’ve learned he may have been born as a Butt Baby. I don’t want to say anything else about this, please just watch. I can not wait for this HBO Max series. John Cena is hilarious when given the opportunity, so this January, it will have my undivided attention.
Yes, I know, it’s not a movie but it’s a trailer! Rocksteady and Suicide Squad sounds like a near perfect combination. While it’s mostly cutscene type material, it looks like a huge world to wreck things in, and the cut scenes are gorgeous. Voice acting is spot on, and Samoa Joe chiming in as King Shark…priceless. Plus who hasn’t wanted to beat the shit out of at least one member of the Justice League at some point?
These were some of the big highlights for me but you can check out the entire DC Fandome here. What are you most excited for? Sound off in the comments below!