Week four and #justiceforJimbo is an elimination that caused another social media storm. Whilst we all know how the game goes, I think we the viewers never expected fan favorites to be wiped out this quickly. It makes it tricky to watch knowing those three are no longer in the competition, on the plus, it’s become more unpredictable. Back in the werkroom and the queens gather to discuss Pangina Heel’s decision, and Janey Jacke shows her lipstick was to send Jujubee home.
A new week a new challenge, and although snatch game isn’t one of my favorite challenges this season it’s given a shakeup. The snatch game will be played in family teams, with Katie Price and Michelle Visage head of the teams. As Pangina won last week’s episode she gets to chose who she wants on her family team. Her chosen team is Baga Chipz, and Jujubee which is a strategic choice as they both dominated their snatch games, both are also very loud so could eclipse Pangina. Ru does his usual walkthrough with the queens and who they plan to play. After Drag Race UK season 3, Rupaul changed the majority of the characters the queens chose. This time around he gets Mo Heart to change her choice to Billy Porter. Janey Jacke’s character changes from Tan mom to James Charles, interesting to see how that one will play out.
Welcome to the snatch game, team Katie consists of Baga, Pangina, and Jujubee. Whilst team Michelle has Blu Hydrangea, Mo Heart, and Janey Jacke. To say team UK dominated the snatch game would be an understatement, Baga portrayed Cathy Bates to a tee and a clever route as Ru’s biggest fan….flattery gets you everywhere. Another who stood out was Blu as Austin Powers/Mike Myers and turning into Dr. Evil. Janey’s James Charles look was spot on but that was the only positive in their snatch game, another dud was Pangina as Mariah Carey. The positive to this episode is I really enjoyed this snatch game it was fun fresh and a revamp the game needed!
This week we’re joined by Michelle Keegan and Radio DJ Clara Amfo, and the theme is Luck be a lady. Everyone’s looks were really strong this week, Jujubee once again fell short of meeting the brief, it had to be explained what her concept was. As we all know if it has to be explained it’s not a good thing! Some online commentary has taken to conspire that Jujubee is there to just have a good time as there’s no real incentive with the price. Whilst I think it’s a strong thing to say, Jujubee is so well-loved that she can do no wrong.
The tops for me this week are team UK and Mo Heart, that outfit was one of the best we’ve seen on the main stage in a while it was flawless. Clara Amfo for me was a great judge having a fun time and giving great critiques. Michelle Keegan looked a little lost, not really there. Certainly missed having Alan Carr and Graham Norton on the panel.
I would say this week was a strong week for the majority, and the judging reflected that. Baga and Blu are the top two, with the remaining queens in the bottom Mo Heart should have been safe as for me she wasn’t bottom.
Baga and Blu are ready to lip-sync with costume changes, we lip-sync too… and it was a fun watch. I love drag and I love high-energy camp performances like this, the UK girl’s outfits and performances certainly made me #TeamUK. So Blu wins the lipsync and I wasn’t expecting her to pull this lipstick: Paninga is sent home. The reaction from the judges, cast, and Paninga herself was felt throughout. This is another elimination being added to the hall of fame.
It was certainly one of the most emotional I think we’ve seen on the main stage. The name of the game is to play however they want, this elimination was heartbreaking to see how it crushed Pangina, hearing her cries from the back was heart-wrenching. The way Rupaul announced let the music play over her cries felt awkward as a viewer. But she did her country proud, one thing is for sure this season has certainly shocked us every week with the eliminations. So there we go, how are we finding the eliminations are we happy who stayed, and did we love the snatch game family edition?
Watch RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Versus The World Premieres every Tuesday on WowPresentsPlus (worldwide ex. UK and Canada) Crave Canada (Canada)and BBC three (UK) on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer.