With the absolute dumpster fire that the world is in, I have been struggling with just about everything. Getting out of bed, looking at social media, and sometimes just putting one foot in front of the other has been brutal. Like many of you, my mental and emotional batteries are running low. I could really go in on how shit things feel and look however, there are so many people who are saying the same thing and much more eloquently than I can. So, in true mom fashion, let me take you on a “comfort journey”. Here is what is soothing me while we all prepare for the battles ahead of us.
Television: I am the queen of comfort tv. It really stems back from my very first apartment by myself. I lived alone in a converted house in Pennsylvania that had three apartments in one. My place was tiny, had a spider that lived in my bedroom that would drop down at night through a large hole in the ceiling and windows that were nailed shut due to the previous tenant. The neighbors above me were loud, violent and an absolute nightmare to deal with. To help me cope, I kept the television on all the time. Comfort TV is the real damn deal. It has gotten me through crazy neighbors, breakups, anxiety, cardio and so much more. So what shows work for me? Glad you asked! In no particular order, here is what I gravitate to and therefore recommend you take them for a spin: The Good Place, Scrubs, Cougar Town, Ted Lasso, Happy Endings, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Office, Parks and Recreation…does anyone catch a real Mike Schur and Bill Lawrence theme?
Audio: For me, it is all about podcasts. Mostly podcasts about my comfort television shows, lolz. If Marc Evan Jackson hosts it, I need to hear it. I am obsessed with the Scrubs rewatch Fake Doctors, Real Friends with Donald Faison and Zach Braff. I am still determined to be a guest on that show before it runs through all episodes. On a recent solo road trip, I absolutely powered through The Good Place podcast, which was amazing and gave me the name of the song that rushes my soul every time, “Spiegel im Spiegel”. When I need some guidance and a voice that feels like a warm hug I hop over to Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. She reminds me of one of my dearest friends in the world so listening to her is tomato soup with a side of grilled cheese for my soul.
Exercise: Hear me out now-those endorphins help. Run, box, lift, yoga, whatever makes you feel good, do it. For me, lifting and hiking.
Nature: Getting outside, especially near water, is pure therapy for me. Now that I am in Florida and every body of water has alligators (per All Elite Wrestling’s Athena, always assume there are three) I currently stick to pools though I would much prefer the ocean. Back in Vegas, kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding was pure heaven. On a different nature note, hiking is amazing. Whenever I travel for personal reasons, finding a hike is always a given. Recently, I was able to hit up two different state parks in South Carolina; Jones Gap Falls and Caesar Head. Two very unique hikes, two mind-calming adventures. I hope to walk amongst the redwoods in the Pacific Northwest sooner rather than later.
Crafting: When I notice my kiddo, KG, having a rough day, I pull out the paint supplies. We utilize painting to help them work through complicated feelings or any struggle they may be facing and aren’t quite ready to talk about yet. We put on some good tunes, throw down some newspaper and get messy and creative. In addition, cross-stitching is fun and requires the patience to stab fabric repeatedly. So helpful!
Miscellaneous Self-Care Practices: Massages. Face and foot masks. Reading a good book. Coffee with a friend. Board games. Puppies. Kitties.
Whatever works for you, please don’t be afraid to do it. In fact, let me know in the comments below what brings you comfort in these challenging times. We must make time for our mental and emotional health while we fight the bullshit around us. Love yourself, be kind to yourself and fuck the patriarchy. -AD