Oh, Canada, this is one action-packed show let’s dive straight in. Hot on the heels of Miss Mocos’ elimination the queens gather to discuss last week’s episode and the sadness of Jada Shada having to send her best friend home.
With a new day comes a new mini-challenge, and this I loved. The queens are challenged to get into quick drag to go on a date with Brooklyn, they must be funny and in their best boy drag. I thought this might be cringe, but it was hilarious from start to finish they all took on personas that made me laugh but more importantly Brooklyn. My favorite by far was Vivian Vanderpuss and her Australian sewer rat character, it was charming, stupid, and had everyone laughing.
Brooklyn thought so too and crowned Vivian the mini-challenge winner, and with this week’s maxi challenge decides the song choices for each group. The challenge is for pairs to lip sync to classic RuPaul songs Vivian and Giselle Lullaby pair up. I already love both are eccentric and full of character, favorites of mine for this season so far. Kimmy couture and Lady Boom Boom are together, followed by Miss Jada Shada with Irma Gerd, Kaos paired with Chelazon Leroux leaving Miss Fiercelious with Bombae. The songs are decided in a civilized matter, of which Miss F is far from happy with being left with “Let the music play” the best thing to do would be the bigger person when you dont get what you want. Instead of focusing on the challenge, Miss F decides to hold a grudge against Vivian, in the words of Latrice Royale and the five G’s ‘Good God Girl Get a Grip.’
The rehearsals allow them to showcase what they’ve worked on so far, and we get an extra special guest joining Brooklyn, the one the only Miss Vanjie Mateo. Those new to the franchise would have missed out on what felt like a year-long stint of hearing Miss Vanjie in every club, conversation, and social media post. But here she is in all her banjie glory, to coach the queens through their rehearsal. Some are rocky on their feet, and some excel, feels as if a storyline is set up for some to fail, let’s see.
So here we go are you ready to lip sync to some Rupaul classics? Out first are Kaos and Chelazon Leroux who lipsync “Adrenaline”. This song out of the bunch would be the hardest, to me I will always associate it to All Stars 5 and the Ru-Lallopoolaza smackdown between Naomi Smalls and Gia Gunn. They do an okay job, a little out of sync and swiftly followed by Jada and Irma Gerd both do a fantastic job of capturing the song and providing an entertaining storyline. Kimmy and Lady Boom Boom steal the show for me with their rendition of “Feel Like Dancin.” The voguing, the synchronization. Miss F and Bombae bless their hearts and confused me with their take on “Let the Music Play”, which was messy and confusing. I think it’s supposed to be a storyline of clumsy sisters im guessing but it doesn’t portray it that way. Jada and Irma come out serving us “Peanut Butter,” and they killed it, Irma being the white girl who can’t twerk worked perfectly, Jada shone with her choreography fantastically. Vivian and Giselle wrap up the show and let’s acknowledge that these outfits are a pink paradise for me the routine was fun and energetic, and Brooklyn said during rehearsals aunties at a wedding.
Overall the show was high energy and bubbling with talent I loved the show, making it hard to decide on the tops for the week. This week’s category is Sleeves: tops for me are Miss F who surprised me with her outfit which was out of the box, fresh and unexpected. Kaos looked incredible in her turquoise number reminding me of Princess Jasmine in Aladdin and the gorgeous two-piece outfit. Vivian decided to be creepy with multiple hands, Giselle thought to follow suit with her extended long arms, which was camp alongside creepy. This week’s maxi challenge winner is Jada Shada as she should, with the bottom two Chelazon Leroux and Miss Fierecalious to lipsync for their life. The queen’s lipsync to “Don’t Call Me Baby” by Kreehsa Turner, a song I’m not familiar with, both did a great job but unfortunately, we say an emotional goodbye to Chelazon Leroux. Did you agree with who sashayed away this week? Let us know in the comments below!
Tune in to Canada’s Drag Race every Thursday on Crave in Canada, Wowpresentsplus, and BBC Three Iplayer in the UK!