Are you ready for a fiery opening episode? This week we get an intro that can only be described as a soap opera, an edit focusing on Miss Fiercealious being a moody teenager to her fellow contestants. Now we dont endorse bringing others down, the queens do have a point she comes across as whiny and a tad over dramatic. The confrontation comes to heat back in the werkroom, with everyone agreeing with Kimmy Couture and how Miss F brings the mood down, Lady Boom Boom does what I’m thinking and proceeds to tell her to put that focus on positive energy. Without sounding hippy, but everyone reading please do this and put all the energy you have into your own life, that also means not trolling the comments on social media! So with the quarrel crushed we roll into a well-timed mini-challenge.
As the queens are already hyped and confronting one another, seems like the perfect time to introduce a little bit of reading dont you think? Glasses at the ready and for me Lady Boom Boom had the best reading of each queen, accurate and of course, funny leading her to be this week’s mini challenge winner!
It’s that time of the season for me to enter cringe-fest, that’s right it’s time to play the snatch game. The queens discuss who they’ll be playing, and we have two clashes ready to be battled out, Giselle Lullaby and Lady Boom Boom planned to do Mado Lamotte Giselle helps out LB by going for her backup Marie Curie and lends lady B her accessories. On the other hand, we have a less sisterly discussion between Miss F and Kimmy who both opt for Ariana Grande, Kimmy takes a stance and isn’t changing. As for Miss F, she has a backup and following her promise for positive energy chooses her plan b, Kourtney Kardashian.
Brooklyn chats characters with the queens and who they’ve chosen, the new challenge for us the viewer should be counting how many times everyone says “It has to be funny/make me laugh.” We know the name of the game by now, and story arcs are being set up slowly. Let’s begin season 3 of the snatch game, joining the queens are judges Brad and Tracey. This game has its shining stars who have gone and done their research and that is Vivian Vanderpuss, Giselle, and Irma Gerd who restored Marlyln Monroe from the snatch game curse (season 5 Ivy Winters) it made me laugh (important remember) as for the other end of the spectrum we have poor Kimmy who is just wearing a pretty Ariana outfit and wig. Her impersonation just wasn’t up to scratch, Miss F had some strong moments, but it was hard to tell if she was being herself or Kourtney Kardashian.
This week’s runway is periodic table elements, a bit of a weird choice and what comes from this is some interesting interpretations. Giselle, Bombae, and Irma shone for me their concepts were clear, visually pleasing, and met the criteria and all the elements. Kimmy for me although I see the idea, didn’t live up to the concept, I feel we’d recently seen this on Drag Race UK season 2 with Awhora’s incredible pre-historic runway. Jada Shada Hudson and Miss F are safe whilst the tops this week are my queen Giselle, Irma, and Vivian if I may be so bold as to say that for me these are my three front runners for the competition. The winner of this week and rightfully so is Giselle, with Vivian and Irma safe.
Unfortunately, we see Lady Boom Boom and Kimmy in the bottom lip sync, this week’s pop bop is Carly Rae Jenson …’ it’s a good lip sync and Kimmy has that slight edge for me. We say a sad farewell to Lady Boom Boom, a little sad to see her go.
Did you agree with who sashayed away this week? Let us know in the comments below!
Tune in to Canada’s Drag Race every Thursday on Crave in Canada, Wowpresentsplus, and BBC Three Iplayer in the UK!