The UK scene is full to the brim with drag talent from north to south! With so much talent it makes sense to hold superstar competitions right? The Next Drag Superstar UK is a show to help showcase the very best of all drag in weekly heats. With season 3 kickstarted underway, it only feels correct to bring the winner of season 2 to the universe. This artist has a wide range of talents under their belt, and they are a creative conceptual fashionista whose art knows no end. Please welcome someone you should all be following and allow yourself to be subdued by Rosacea Blemish!
KB: Hi Rosacea, welcome to So let’s start with discussing The Next Drag Superstar UK. Congratulations on winning season 2! What made you decide to apply?
Rosacea Blush: Hi, my name is Rosacea Blemish, and thank you so much for joining me for chit-chat and a little wine. So I was actually cast for the first season of Next Drag Superstar but I had to drop out due to covid, so I guess fate had its funny little way, and thank goodness, because I don’t think I’d of, stood a chance against Goblin, the first reigning Champion. I came across the competition in it’s development when my darling Izzntshe (current winner of Lipsync1000) and I were chatting and said she was applying so thought I’d throw my wig in the ring too. It can be quite nerve-wracking to put yourself out there but someone’s got to do it and why shouldn’t it be yourself?
KB: For those who have been successful in their application what advice would you give, and what were the lessons you learned? How did you prepare yourself?
RB: Now is the time to throw all your creative tartery at it you’ll have the stage on a weekly basis (depending on your success) so experiment, have fun, and push yourselves into new disciplines. My creative brain tends to run 1000mph, but I struggled some days to get the motivation to process them. Take it easy on yourself, sure feel the pressure but do not let it consume you, after all, it’s all a bit of drag.
KB: Out of the whole competition what moment stood out for you, and what was your favorite heat?
RB: Surely, I’d have to say the first week, movie week as I shot straight to the top with my allocation of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I have such fond memories of creating that piece, and it makes me laugh. (There’s another tip, make yourself laugh in your performances!) I really liked creating a narrative for a burlesque week. Film noir, murders, and stripping were all very much in my wheelhouse. A natural-born storyteller is Rosacea.
KB: Besides winning The Next Drag Superstar UK, you were a finalist for Lipsync1000 2021. How do you go about creating lipsyncs, and what do you think makes a great performance?
RB: I can’t quite put my finger on where the process starts for me as it can be quite varied. It can just be a song that I like that I develop into a concept, or often I base a performance around a single prop or just create a whole there around an object/ situation/emotion. For me, what I love to see in performances is true emotion, a commitment to a character lead number. The industry is saturated with talent so to really stand out I want to see the good costume, tight lip-synching, and a full slap of absurdity. We all have our different styles so drag doesn’t have to be a leotard that death drops, no disrespect to the queens who do it’s just that tv drag trends mostly seem to focus on this.
KB: Your Instagram is full of high conceptual fashion looks, with a beautiful mini Rosacea lookbook. How do you create ideas for these pieces, and who do you look to for inspiration?
RB: Well thank you very much my darling. Most of my ideas come from the world of couture but with campiness dialed up and with an added dash of BLEMISH. I make a lot of my own wardrobe so I have fun with my skills, or I enjoy digging up the vampiest/trampy vintage and give a little re-edit. Character-wise I tend to be drawn to creatures of obsession, delusion, hysterical, or just the most overtly adorned, be they fictional or not.
Some examples:
-Debbie Jelinski from Adams Family
-Patsy Stone
-Glen Close’s Cruella
-Grace Jones
-That one with the tits and red hair from Edward Scissorhands.
-The mum from American Beauty
KB: With so many of your looks dripping in creativity, who would you say are your five biggest drag/fashion influences?
RB: Oh goodness, I believe I’ve sort of already answered this but let’s reel off some
-Alexander McQueen Aw09 HORN OF PLENTY
-Pretty much any Galliano/Dior Season
-Moschino, before Jeremy
-Viktor and Rolf
KB: Who would you say inspires your art/drag through style, wisdom, or general attitude to the drag scene?
RB: I wouldn’t say that I have one source of inspiration from a performer, rather many artists that do their job well, love what they are doing, and excel in what is expected from the industry. With this in mind, I’m going to reel off a few performers. My drag Mother Lady Galore of Amsterdam, Uma Loob of Manchester, PMBC, Lucinda Behind, Kiki Snatch, Doll Named Dan, Zaki Musa, Cazelion, AND OF COURSE- Soroya Marchelle. (There are many more to mention and I’m sure they’ll all slap me for not mentioning them. My cheek is willing and waiting for my betrayal. Love to you all)
KB: You’re a regular @outhausldn how would you describe the London nightlife and LGBTQ+ scene? If you could perform with any artist, who would it be and why?
RB: First of all darling Josh Harrison, helm of Outhaus was the first to snatch me up for regular hosting in London and I am forever thankful for him and the rest of my sexy Outhaus family- SO Y’ALL BE GOING. London queer nightlife truly is a place to let your freak flag fly. In an ever depressing and what seems to be an attack on the queer community from society, our spaces are needed so we can be who we are freely without the tyranny that still exists out there.
This said there is still improvement within our own community. More safe spaces are needed for our trans siblings, our POC siblings, and also more spaces for our sober siblings. Who would I love to perform with, hmmmmmm? Avoiding any telly performers I would have to say, Juno Birch.
KB: With so many achievements under your belt, what are your future goals? What
is one of the things you would want to tick off your “bucket” list?
RB: I would love to create my art on a larger scale. I’m talking FULL on productions with lots of funding (always accepting), time, and resources to actually process all of my ideas into a spectacular spectacle. I also try to keep some commission work from other artists so I can share my costuming skills with my fellow performers, so would love to try and make some more time for that also. I don’t really have much of a bucket list at this time, I guess my ‘to-do’ list is far too long to think that far ahead.
KB: And lastly, what does the rest of 2022 have in store for Rosacea Blemish? Is there anything you would like to add?
RB: My winner’s show! I’m currently writing up the first draft of it and will then edit it down to what will be achievable so very exciting things to come there. I’ve some very laborious costume ideas that are churning up so keep your eyes peeled for them, and then perhaps start my own regular night, but that’s all still very much under my wig cap……
Be sure to follow this intelligent fashionista over on their Instagram: @rosaceablemish
And season 3 of Next Drag Superstar UK has now begun and is running every Wednesday @The Queen Of Hoxton.