We’re just ONE week away from the final, can you believe it? So we, unfortunately, said goodbye to Irma Gerd (bring her for all stars.) With our final five gathering on the couches, all five have won a challenge, so is this the closest top five? Miss Fiercalicious is confident as ever that she’s the one to beat, much to the dispute of others. Kimmy Couture and Miss F begin bickering over their aesthetics and body shapes, think of it as a sibling squabble.
No mini challenge this week instead, get your tissues out as the queens are gifted a morale boost in the form of messages from home. For those new to the franchise, this used to be a prominent feature during the untucked seasons (back when we would get one season a year- imagine?) Gisele Lullaby gets an emotional message from her gorgeous partner and adorably puppy cheering for her to bring the crown home. For me I fell in love with Vivian Vanderpuss’s dad, how he was so full of life and rooting for his son was very emotional, and once again his dog was adorable!
Tears aside, the maxi challenge will bring on fresh tears for some, as the queens are to partake in a drag ball. Three runway looks with one look to be constructed themselves, I love the sewing challenges. The way the ideas come together from start to finish, as last week’s winner Vivian assigns the queens masquerade masks in which they must find inspiration.
Team glue gun versus sewing seamstress is in full motion, I have faith in Giselle and Vivian. However, we’ve seen how these storyline edits can be created, so I silently cheer from the sidelines. We see a harmonious workroom compared to seasons past, everything is in control with Giselle giving only tips and tricks, and the rest are getting on amicably. Until Jada Shada realizes she’s sewn her dress shut, unable to put her head through. But she’s a positive queen who takes the scissors and boom problem saved.
Mirror talks this season have featured a lot of important topics, and this week is incredibly important and triggering to those watching or reading. But what I will say just like Giselle says it’s important to speak out, to talk to people, and keep talking about it. Kimmy is a complete and utter superhero who I have so much respect and admiration for.
This week’s guest judge is fashion designer Lesley Hampton so let the Masquerade Ball begin, and we have three categories with 15 looks. I could be here all day talking about it, but will try to keep it brief, first category is ‘Masc for Mascara’, and for me, Giselle killed it with her Jean Paul Gautier take on masculinity and her french heritage. The second category is ‘Incog-she-to’ a very strong category in which I loved Vivian and Miss F they were the strongest out of the five. The third and final category is of course ‘Masquerade Eleganza’ and everyone did a great job. Considering two out of three are seamstresses, all five looks were fantastic. Giselle and those huge puff sleeves were so sophisticated, Jada strutted out in her black and gold number which suited her body shape like a glove. However Miss F surprised me and probably everyone else with her gown it was stunning, it was well constructed and the concept was strong and it was a good night for her.
The judges reveal that this is the last runway, and next week is the grand finale, I think all five are worthy of going through it’s a very strong bunch left. The winner of this week’s challenge is Miss Fiercalicious with a well-deserved win. Gisele and Jada are also through, leaving Vivian and Kimmy at the bottom. This is a really sad bottom two, I love both and want to see them make it through to next week.
For our final lipsync it’s a good high-energy number, for me Kimmy kills it. I want to see her perform in the club, and I also love how fun Vivian made hers so it’s a hard call. But the judges choose to send home Vivian Vanderpuss with Kimmy making it to the finale. It’s sad to see Vivian leave, she’s been a consistent bundle of fun and talent, it’s a shame to see her leave just after Irma Gerd too.
We have our final four, so who do you want to WIN season three of Canada’s drag race? Let us know in the comments below.