The children are securely in their homes and it’s time for family time to begin! This week is a bundle of crazy and creative. In what essentially is a mini-challenge, the artists are asked to create a doll that represents their drag mother. So it’s time to get creative, but in just 15 minutes, I would still be contemplating what the challenge is. Yet these artists snap into action, armed with their dolls and bras provided by sponsor Wonderbra to bring their creations to life. Now some of these are perfect, some are just creepy but each artist faired well. Seyonce Knowles provided an intriguing theatrical performance. But for me, Weebie sold the garment and the doll with their head-to-toe performance. All I do know is that this sh** is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s! Weebie is declared the winner and wins a $750 dollar package from Wonderbra.
It was light-hearted and fun, and also a great introduction into each contestant’s brain. Highlighting their aesthetics and thought processes through a simple task, but the real challenge is to create a family portrait and accompanying dance recital. The children will work with their mothers with creating a performance and also advise on their outfits. Asking them to perform the 90s classic and summer anthem Walking on Sunshine by Katrina And The Waves. This week we have judges joining the show to balance out the critiques. Here to add even more glamour to the show and from the House of Hytes is Farra N. Hyte looking like the most glamorous Barbie. Following is the ‘guncle’ of the show and Dragula season three winner, the iconic Landon Cider. I loved eeing Justin Abit‘s face slightly fangirl in awe of their idol, as getting to be in the presence of someone you admire is a wonderful feeling.
We gather the houses to consult with their siblings and mother about their interpretation of the family portrait. Starting with the House of Glass, Seyonce Knowles starts the process with a creepy frame full of doll heads. The aim is for the frame to represent the House of Glass with her face encrypted amongst them. Crystal begins to brainstorm ideas on what their performance can be, and naturally decide to be vampires playing in the sun. If this concept doesn’t scream House of Glass nothing will.
Over in the House of Dulcet, it’s an emotional love fest, as there are a lot more intimate personal stories embedded in their outfits. Makayla Couture has a gorgeous dress with varying stages of her face throughout her young life. Imarra thinks they’ve missed the brief with their outfit, a sash from placing second in previous pageants. As I previously said having Peppermint as a mother would be full of wisdom and praise. Explaining that this is part of all their history, it allows them to be vulnerable and exposing themselves. Each sibling boosts Imarra with words of encouragement and love. This is truly more of a loving supportive network competition than cutthroat and catty. Working through their concept and Justin Abit suggests a holiday goes wrong, thrilling the group into a whirl of ideas.
Harmonizing in the House of Harmonie, Barbada brings out the best in her children with their outfits and ideas. Weebie brings out their ideas basing the outfit on his redheaded twin sisters. Miss Shadyee incorporates her Mexican culture in the form of the Day of the Dead, which is actually the day she was born. Their concept is a glamorous blonde out hiking. Think Paris Hilton and friends out on the LA hiking trail and Peppa being the only one prepared.
We also have extra special guests here to fine-tune some of the garments and wigs, in drag designer Lucinda Mew and wig guru Wig Zaddy. How Lucinda looks that good in latex, and with a 2-inch waist is a wonder to us all. They sit with each house and offer some advice and help out a queen or two with their wigs.
Rehearsals begin for their Walking on Sunshine segments, with some stuttering and faltering. But what I admire the most is the concept and patience they each show for each other Weebie politely asks if she can offer feedback to Pepper missing a beat. Pepper replies with you’re absolutely right, and even in confessionals exclaiming how they “Love working with these drag artists. Everyone is so creative and jumping in.” Not one hint of sarcasm or cattiness is exchanged. It’s a refreshing take on a friendly critique from someone who wants to help.
The first part of the segment is the family runway outfits, and everyone brought something completely different and they told a story. For me, the stand-out was Makyala who struts out in her hand-painted dress as a visual representation of herself. It was so delicately made and poignant to her growth. Weebee and his doll look/performance I adored, it was creepy, it was fashionable and I loved the boots. Based on her red-headed twin sisters it met the brief and with humor. Jessie Precieuse was perfection it was two things I love: florals and pink (groundbreaking) it was structured beautifully, and the revelation of her family photographs out of her bag just tied it all perfectly.
It’s time to walk on sunshine, and out first is the House of Glass. I liked the concept and think Jessie Precieuse and Pheonix Black shone (pun intended) as the first-time vampires out in the sun. They were playful and vibed well with each other, not to mention Phoenix staying in character whilst being flung about by Seyonce. The judges clack their fans with the scores which will be totaled at the end of segments.
Up next is the House of harmonie, who are to follow the chaos left by the house of glass. The concept was there, the execution not so much. It was a bit jolted in places, with Miss Shaydee a little out of time. I did love Jenna Seppa as the drunk aunt/friend and the wine bag I imagine many at home would want. Pepper shone the most and exuberantly stealing the show with their energy.
The House of Dulcet, for me, stole the whole segment. The structure from start to finish was both well rounded and well rehearsed and all four matched each other’s energies. We see Justin and Mya Foxx as the mum and dad with Mya doing the most perfect and on-point Karen character, who drags out her teenage daughter. Imarra does a fantastic job as the disinterested tour guide, which leads to a choreographed pointing number.
This week based on the scores TWO artists will be leaving the competition, although the show is rife with love and positivity it’s harsh how they are eliminated. No lip syncs or pleas from the contestant this week. Instead, their own mother decides who is to leave. The bottom two houses with the least votes are the House of Glass and the House of Harmonie. Crystal must make a decision and they go with Stony Mac. Leaving the House of Harmonie, Barbada chooses Miss Shaydee to go home. I will say this is a very strong cast of artists, so can see the struggle of sending someone home.
Besides the sad ending, this competition is the perfect example of how drag competitions can be. It’s inclusive and uplifting allowing artists to thrive in a positive environment with no drama or negativity and is a joy to watch.
The OUTtv Original series will premiere on, the OUTtv Apple TV Channel, the OUTtv Prime Channel, and OUTtv on The Roku Channel (where available) on Wednesdays at 9 pm ET, with new episodes weekly.