Ever wondered if you could do your makeup without a mirror and be assisted by others? Well, the contestants this week are thrown into this predicament from the get-go. Greeted with a goody bag from Rimmel, the artists must work in pairs to create each other’s faces. I do love the confidence and mantra of Jenna Seppa declaring “I can do this, I can do anything.” Go into your day with this attitude.Â
Paired with the fate of picking out matching colored balls the competition begins with just 30 minutes to create a masterpiece. Here to judge their children are Peppermint, Crystal, and Barbada. A tough choice to make with so many looking… interesting. But the winners of the cash prize are Weebee and Jenna Seppa.
Time for this week’s themed challenge and its of monsters and media. The runway can be social monsters ie internet trolls or horror on the web. The family showcase will focus on being the drag defenders. A drag defender is a queer superhero tackling the struggles faced every day on the internet.
Alongside this, the houses must pitch a drag defender idea to their drag mothers for the showcase. Discussing with their mothers their ideas, and the House of Glass is down to just two children, yet they push through.Â
Back to bring these wonderful ideas to life are Lucinda Mew and Connor McCalden, with Wig Zaddy keeping those locks looking luscious and vivacious. The judges and mothers arrive fittingly dressed as the theme. Landon Cider’s Frankenstein look is fantastic. Cutting straight to the runway and out first is Pepper decked in ring lights. I really liked the concept behind Jenna’s outfit, a robot cyborg glued to their phone. I’m sure we’re a little guilty of being tuned into our phones and social media more than we should. I too of course loved the shoes, who doesn’t love a pink wedge? Another fantastic concept comes in the form of our terrible habit of endless doomsday scrolling. Twitter especially can be a minefield of doom, Weebee nailed the look with the hair and dead behind-the-eyes look.Â
The best for the House of Glass was Jessie Precieuse stepping it up another level with a gorgeous beige gown. Blending catfish with her fins swimming behind, she performs as an elegant catfish. The House of Dulcet struts out in varying concepts yet Makayla Couture comes out representing the shield we hide behind on instagram. The black and gold collide beautifully, and her makeup echoes the message. Justin Abit’s look is a multitude of conceptual looks. The ultimate villain is an anonymous a**hole, the look is similar to the Batman villain The Riddler. With a cape blowing behind wonderfully, decked out in intricate details of words chucked out in the web.Â
Back in the salon and they have one hour to get into their outfits which are designed by Lucinda and Connor. The challenge is similar to interpretive dance, starting with the House of Glass we see Phoneix Black roll off the stage into the abyss. House of Dulcet delivers a clean and crisp performance. To be honest and I don’t want it to be perceived as a negative but the family challenge did just feel a bit flat. As a collective with the runway, it was great, of course, no one is an actor/actress. But it just felt like I was watching a college drama class. The episode as a whole was fantastic, it highlighted the grip social media has a hold on us. The message and concepts were well delivered and as always a fun episode.
So the votes are in and the judges are struggling to come up with what marks to give each house. The two lowest marked houses are the house of dulcet and the house of glass once again. Just one contestant will be sent home this week, and it falls to saying goodbye to a House of Dulcet member. An emotional moment for Peppermint and the decision she makes is to send Imarra home. A sad goodbye I loved her superhero outfit, but unfortunately, she was the weaker of the bunch. So episode four is over and done with. Let us know what you think of this week’s social media monster in the comments below.
The OUTtv Original series will premiere on OUTtv.com, the OUTtv Apple TV Channel, the OUTtv Prime Channel, and OUTtv on The Roku Channel (where available) on Wednesdays at 9 pm ET, with new episodes weekly