After saying goodbye to Abhora we begin a new week of a drama-free episodes. The ghouls all saw Abhora plummet so no surprise entries. Victoria Black explains why she decided to keep Astrud Aurelia, based on a pure technicality. I love Abhora, but hopefully, the weird love triangle/dynamic drama will subside.
Summoned to the Boulets, let’s get ready to rumble! The remaining five queens are to get into teams and get ready to wrestle. The main show will require them to create a choreographed wrestling routine. Before the duos get into teams we must tackle the dreaded fright feast. This week is fitting for the challenge and is a good old arm wrestle. Astrud Aurelia and Melissa Befierce have some tension they wish to resolve in this episode. Of course, this bodes well the for the fright feast, and they go head to head. Melissa wins the smackdown which leads her to battle Koco Caine. The winner is Koco and she decides on teams and roles, she teams up alongside Melissa and Evah Destruction. Leaving Victoria Black, Hoso Terra Toma, and Astrud as the second team.
To help choreograph wrestling (turns out wrestlings is fake, who knew?) stunt-coordinator Emmy helps choreograph the wrestling moves for each contestant. It’s an intense round of throwing each other in a coordinated yet believable way. For the floorshow, they’re to create wrestling looks. Think 80’s glamour, WWE.
This week we are joined by two very special guests, both I’ve seen live and are both equally strange and wonderful. The wonderfully haunting pop metal songstress Poppy, and a little-known drag queen called Katya Zamolodchikova. Fangirling aside seeing Katya on this judging panel is exciting, she is a wise woman with knowledge of references. Out first to debut their wrestling look Hoso in monochrome number. My favorite and it’s becoming a running theme is Victoria Black. She is the epitome of style, concept, and creativity, a frontrunner as ever. I was a bit disappointed with Evah Destructions’ look, the pants were a basic jo leg although she did do a tearaway. It didn’t save the look overall, but I’d love her performance.
Koko comes out in the biggest inflatable breasts I’ve ever seen. She could suffocate anyone and anything in its wake. It’s ready to wrestle and get rough, it’s chaos to put it in one sentence. It consists of loud raw energy, reflecting that of the 80’s wrestling scene. Melissa and Astrud kill it by rolling out the ring onto the floor letting out that pent-up aggression towards one another.
The Boulets consult with one another, and I love to see them chat like this. They’re so candid, honest, and fun whilst doing it. You can tell they adore the show and the contestants competing, in the judge’s critique, it’s firm but fair. Katya is disgusted by Hoso’s shoes, saying she should be in jail, but that Astrud should be locked up in the psych ward for her shoes. I would love to see both Poppy and Katya back on the panel (yes I’m biased.) The winner of the wrestling madness is Melissa winning her first win of the competition. Unfortunately, the bottoms are Hoso and Evah, which breaks my heart I love them both. I would also say it’s the trickiest elimination decision of the competition. Back in the cauldron and both plead their cases about why they want to stay, it’s an uplifting harmonious speech.
Descending the staircase of souls to the galley and it’s the closest bottom two in the competition, both have one win. Both are incredibly talented and have a fight to stay, the Boulets utter Evah’s name and nothing. Hoso’s name is also muttered, no drops of doom, no one is leaving! The right decision was made, and neither one of them deserved to go home. So still a top five, what do the Boulets have planned next?